Department of Veterinary Sciences
1174 Snowy Range Rd
Laramie, WY 82070
Phone: 307-766-9926
Fax: 307-721-2051
We are seeking a highly motivated Master’s student interested in antimicrobial resistance ofwildlife bacteria and genomic analysis. A bachelor degree in field of microbiology, veterinarysciences, biology, zoology, wildlife, or a related field is required. Additional preferred skillsinclude experience in bacteriology diagnostic or research, experience with bioinformatic tools,attention to detail and careful record keeping.
Please contact Dr. Srednik if you have any questions about the position. Applications (emailed pdf)will be reviewed as they arrive and given full consideration if received by February 20, 2025. See the flyer for more information.
The Kane laboratory utilizes biochemical, immunological, and molecular techniques toascertain prion disease pathogenesis. We primarily research chronic wasting disease(CWD) and aim to translate these findings to other neurodegenerative diseases such asAlzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and others. We are ambitious, highly collaborative scientistswho emphasize the importance of full transparency and open, honest communication.Dr. Kane brings years of academic and industry research experience and thereforeprovides a unique setting for graduate student growth and career mentorship.Interested?
To apply, submit a single PDF saved as Lastname_GradApplication.pdfcontaining: 1) a one-page cover letter/statement of interest; 2) a CV outlining detailedtechnical and laboratory skills; 3) the name and contact information of at least 3professional references; and 4) transcript. International applicants also need to submitTOEFL or IELTS scores. Applications or questions about the position should be sent to Dr.Kane at
Please contact Dr. Kane if you have any questions about the position. Applications will bereviewed until the position is filled. See the flyer for more information.
Department of Veterinary Sciences
1174 Snowy Range Rd
Laramie, WY 82070
Phone: 307-766-9926
Fax: 307-721-2051