Contact Us

Jamie Crait

Program Director, WRSP

SIB, Rm 3017C

1000 E University Ave

Laramie, WY 82071



Tabatha Spencer

Ex. Business Manager, UW Science Initiative

SIB Rm 3017A

1000 E University Ave

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-4447


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How To Apply

Applications for current students and incoming transfer students are now CLOSED for Spring & Summer of 2024 and Academic Year 2024-2025.

Currently enrolled WRSP students should not reapply via this form and should instead contact the Science Initiative office to complete the renewal process. 

The online application includes the following components: 

  • application questions

  • copies of unofficial transcripts

    • helpful trick: transcripts on the web can be saved as a pdf by going to the print menu and either selecting "pdf" in safari or changing the printer to "save as a pdf" in most other browsers

  • a letter of recommendation from a teacher or professor who can speak to your qualifications for this program

  • a 1-page essay describing your educational, career, and research goals (not required for advanced students, see instructions below)



Advanced students with a set research project and faculty mentor are required to submit a research proposal with the following components: 

  • Abstract (300 words or less) with title

  • Project Narrative (2 pages or less and to be written for a general audience) containing:

    • a clearly stated hypothesis or questions being addressed by the project

    • a description of the research project (3 paragraphs or less)

    • a project timeline including the anticipated start date, major milestone dates, and anticipated completion date

    • your role in the project as a student

  • Proposed Budget

    • please include any cost-sharing from the mentor's lab and/or other available funding sources

    • please contact Tabatha Spencer at with any questions regarding developing your budget


Mentors with advanced students submitting proposals must include the following in their letter of recommendation:

  • A brief summary of previous experience working with undergraduates

  • The expected learning outcomes for the undergraduate student working on this project

  • An explanation of any cost-sharing from grants, departmental funds, and other UW programs or an explanation of the need for funding without any cost-sharing

  • A 1-3 page NSF-style short biographical sketch



For questions about the application process or for additional information about applying to the program, please contact Program Director Jamie Crait at


For any technical questions about the application process or the WyoScholarships system, please contact Tabatha Spencer at


Information on program funding and requirements can be found at the following link:

Contact Us

Jamie Crait

Program Director, WRSP

SIB, Rm 3017C

1000 E University Ave

Laramie, WY 82071



Tabatha Spencer

Ex. Business Manager, UW Science Initiative

SIB Rm 3017A

1000 E University Ave

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-4447


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