Jamie Crait
Program Director, WRSP
SIB, Rm 3017C
1000 E University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Email: craitj@uwyo.edu
Tabatha Spencer
Ex. Business Manager, UW Science Initiative
SIB Rm 3017A
1000 E University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-4447
Email: tspence5@uwyo.edu
Applications for current students and incoming transfer students are now CLOSED for
Spring & Summer of 2024 and Academic Year 2024-2025.
Currently enrolled WRSP students should not reapply via this form and should instead contact the Science Initiative office to complete the renewal process.
The online application includes the following components:
application questions
copies of unofficial transcripts
helpful trick: transcripts on the web can be saved as a pdf by going to the print menu and either selecting "pdf" in safari or changing the printer to "save as a pdf" in most other browsers
a letter of recommendation from a teacher or professor who can speak to your qualifications for this program
a 1-page essay describing your educational, career, and research goals (not required for advanced students, see instructions below)
Advanced students with a set research project and faculty mentor are required to submit a research proposal with the following components:
Abstract (300 words or less) with title
Project Narrative (2 pages or less and to be written for a general audience) containing:
a clearly stated hypothesis or questions being addressed by the project
a description of the research project (3 paragraphs or less)
a project timeline including the anticipated start date, major milestone dates, and anticipated completion date
your role in the project as a student
Proposed Budget
please include any cost-sharing from the mentor's lab and/or other available funding sources
please contact Tabatha Spencer at tspence5@uwyo.edu with any questions regarding developing your budget
Mentors with advanced students submitting proposals must include the following in their letter of recommendation:
A brief summary of previous experience working with undergraduates
The expected learning outcomes for the undergraduate student working on this project
An explanation of any cost-sharing from grants, departmental funds, and other UW programs or an explanation of the need for funding without any cost-sharing
A 1-3 page NSF-style short biographical sketch
For questions about the application process or for additional information about applying to the program, please contact Program Director Jamie Crait at craitj@uwyo.edu.
For any technical questions about the application process or the WyoScholarships system, please contact Tabatha Spencer at tspence5@uwyo.edu
Information on program funding and requirements can be found at the following link: uwyo.edu/wrsp/program_details
Jamie Crait
Program Director, WRSP
SIB, Rm 3017C
1000 E University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Email: craitj@uwyo.edu
Tabatha Spencer
Ex. Business Manager, UW Science Initiative
SIB Rm 3017A
1000 E University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-4447
Email: tspence5@uwyo.edu