General Aging and Support Topics

online videos/modules

newStory of Day Break Adult Day Care (HP/CG)

Speaker: Barb Blue, Director, Day Break Adult Day Services | TC: 9812 | 1 Hour

  • From the 2023 Wyoming Conference on Aging, September 18th, 2023

  • Learning Objectives: The Importance of Adult Day Services. Mission and Goals. Effective Planning and Implementation: Activities, Outings, Exercise, Friends, Fun. Challenges and Growth of Adult Day Care in Wyoming.

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newPatient Priorities Care: Moving from Disease-based to Patient Priorities-based Decision-making for Older Adults (HP)

Speaker: Sabine Schenck, MS. Wyoming Center on Aging | TC: 9805 | 1 Hour

  • From the 2023 Wyoming Conference on Aging, September 18th, 2023

  • Learning Objectives: Understand “why and how” of Patient Priorities Care. Identify opportunities to incor-porate elements of Patient Priorities Care into your work with older adults & families. Under-stand patient priorities aligned decision-making as the “What Matters M” of the Age Friendly Health System.

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newHome Modification to Promote Aging in Place (HP)

Speaker: Bernard Steinman, PhD.  Gerontologist.  University of Wyoming | TC: 9809

  • Filmed at the 2023 Wyoming Conference on Aging | September 18th, 2023 | 1 hour

  • Learning Objectives: Understand the role of home modifications and their efficacy in promoting safety and independent living among older and younger adults who have disabilities. View examples of good home modifications that facilitate person/environment fit in the face of aging-related changes to physical functioning.

    Acquire greater awareness of barriers to accessing home modifications in Wyoming’s unique frontier environment, and evidence-based programs that could be implement-ed in the state.

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newSnoezelen Room and Sensory Strategies (HP)

Speaker: Ginnette Aasby, OT | TC: 9811 | 1 Hour

  • From the 2023 Wyoming Conference on Aging, September 18th, 2023

  • Learning Objectives: To increase your awareness and knowledge of the benefits of using a Snoezelen room and or other sensory strategies. To motivate you to expand your repertoire of sensory tools and techniques to use with persons living with Alzheimer's and dementia. To educate you on how to set up your own sensory rooms.

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newWyoming Relay and Leveraging Data (HP/CG)

  • From the 2023 Wyoming Conference on Aging, September 18th, 2023 |  TC: 9815 | 1.25 Hour

  • Wyoming Relay: A Call Anyone Can Make.
    Presenter: Dominique Maestas, MSW. WY Relay Equipment Distribution Specialist.
    Objectives: Understand the process and eligibility of the Wyoming Relay program to refer clients. Understand the type of specialized telephone equipment the program offers. Become aware of the different accessibility built-in features and apps that are beneficial when working with Wyoming's older adults.

  • Introducing the 2023 Wyoming Healthy Aging Data Report
    Presenters: Elizabeth Dugan, PhD. Assoc Professor, Gerontology. The University of Massachusetts Boston. Thomas Lacock, AARP. Virginia Vincenti, PhD. University of Wyoming. Objectives: Learners will become familiar with the data and methods used to create the 2023 Wyoming Healthy Aging Data Report. Learners will be-come familiar with the tools included in the report and how they may be used in research, service delivery, or policy formation. Learners will become familiar with using data to advance age-friendly efforts in communities.

  • The Wyoming Integrated Statistics Environment (WISE)
    Presenters: Anders Van Sandt PhD & Jennifer Tabler, PhD. Objectives: Attendees will learn the benefits of a single interactive mapping tool for improving health out-comes and access. Attendees will discover the types of data that will be accessible through WISE. Attendees will learn how WISE builds off the 2023 Wyoming Healthy Aging Data Report and other health related projects at the University of Wyoming.

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Chronic Disease Management Solutions to Positively Impact Risk (Panel) (HP)

Panelists: Jeff Grant, MS, Unintentional Injury Prevention Coordinator, WY Dept. of Health. Hali Harrison, RD, Diabetes Care and Education Specialist. Cheyenne Regional Medical Group. Maggie Kougl, Regional Coordinator, WyCOA. Catherine Carrico, PhD, Clinical Associate Professor & Associate Director, WyCOA | May 19th, 2022 | TC: 8813 | 1 Hour

  • From the 2022 Rocky Mountain Alzheimer's Summit (RMAS)

  • Learning Objectives: Identify the need for evidence-based chronic disease program options in regard to those with dementia-related diseases. Understand how Diabetes self-management education (DSME) facilitates the knowledge, skill, and ability necessary for diabetes self-care.. Understand how the Diabetes Prevention Program is for people at risk for type 2 diabetes to participate in evidence-based lifestyle change programs to reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes. Describe how the Healthy U program can assist people to take control of their condition and live healthier lives. Describe how simple actions can greatly
    reduce the risk for injury.

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Chronic Disease Management and Prevention (CG/HP)

Speaker: Craig Clark, MS, RD.  | Learning Objectives: History of Indian Health Services (IHS): Historical and legal foundation, Current population being served. Prevalence of medical condi-tions: Health disparities, Chronic health conditions, Nutrition-related medical conditions. Meal (and activity) patterns as a treatment modality | TC: 7826

  • Filmed at the 2021 Wyoming Conference on Aging | September 2021 | 1 hour

  • Objectives/Format:  History of Indian Health Services (IHS): Historical and legal foundation, Current population being served. Prevalence of medical condi-tions: Health disparities, Chronic health conditions, Nutrition-related medical conditions. Meal (and activity) patterns as a treatment modality

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Our Community, Our Elders (CG/HP)

Speaker: Carol Taylor, LCSW/Bernard Steinman, PhD | Learning Objectives: Become knowledgeable about aging population growth in your com-munity. Increase awareness and utilization of local and regional elder support resources. Seek opportunities to invite elders in your personal and professional lives Engage in vision-ing and creating a vibrant future with our beloved elders. | TC: 7823

  • Filmed at the 2021 Wyoming Conference on Aging | September 2021 | 1 hour

  • Learning Objectives: Become knowledgeable about aging population growth in your com-munity. Increase awareness and utilization of local and regional elder support resources. Seek opportunities to invite elders in your personal and professional lives Engage in vision-ing and creating a vibrant future with our beloved elders.

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Senator Enzi, Sissy Goodwin and Me, What Baby Boomers taught me about Grace, Integrity and Values-Celebrating the Successes and Tackling the Challenges. (CG/HP)

Speaker: Sara Burlingame, Executive Director. Wyoming Equality | TC: 7822

  • Filmed at the 2021 Wyoming Conference on Aging | September 2021 | 1 hour

  • Learning Objectives: Discuss and learn from experience of our leaders.

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Aging 2030: Legislators Discuss Strategies to Support Wyoming’s Aging Population (CG/HP)

Speaker: Samuel Shumway, AARP Director. Ramsey Scott, Public Policy Manager. Alzheimer's Association, Wyoming Chapter.  WY Representatives/Senators | TC: 7821

  • Filmed at the 2021 Wyoming Conference on Aging | September 2021 | 1 hour

  • Learning Objectives: Identify key issues related to aging and older adults in Wyoming. Discuss the needs of lay and family caregivers. Describe at least one way that policy and legislation can address needs of aging Wyomingites.

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Making the Home Environment Work (CG/HP)

Speaker: Theresa Robinett, MOT, OTR/L. | TC: 7820

  • Filmed at the 2021 Wyoming Conference on Aging | September 2021 | 1 hour

  • Learning Objectives: Review the OT Definition, Environment, Modifications, Adaptations. Discuss benefits : Aging in Place, Quality of Life, Safety, Prevent or reduce falls, Helps Caregiver.

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Evidenced-Based Programs for Older Adults: a Focus on Falls Prevention (CG/HP)

Speaker: Jeff Grant, Unintentional Injury Prevention Coordinator Wyoming Dept. of Health | TC: 7819

  • Filmed at the 2021 Wyoming Conference on Aging | September 2021 | 1 hour

  • Learning Objectives: To inform participants of Wyoming Falls statistics. To encourage participants to invest in a falls prevention program. To introduce 3 evidenced-based falls prevention programs.

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The Aging Rancher: Stories of Aging in Place in Rural WY and their application to Legislative Advocacy (CG/HP)

Speaker: Claire Quinlan, WDOH | Learning Objectives: Understand the distinct barriers to aging in place from the perspective of rural institutionalized older adults and their families. Analyze critically the steps forward to address these barriers, both from a state and local clinician level. Recognize the components of the new State Plan on Aging and its importance for state-level policy. | TC: 7818

  • Filmed at the 2021 Wyoming Conference on Aging | September 2021 | 1 hour

  • Learning Objectives: Understand the distinct barriers to aging in place from the perspective of rural institutionalized older adults and their families. Analyze critically the steps forward to address these barriers, both from a state and local clinician level. Recognize the components of the new State Plan on Aging and its importance for state-level policy.

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Beyond the 4 Ms: Individualizing Complex Care (CG/HP)

Speaker: Soo Borson, MD.  |  Learning Objectives: A multidomain approach to assessing older adults with complex needs. How to build a personalized snapshot in time. How health care systems can use this approach to track out-comes | TC: 7815

  • Filmed at the 2021 Wyoming Conference on Aging | September 2021 | 1 hour

  • Learning Objectives: A multidomain approach to assessing older adults with complex needs. How to build a personalized snapshot in time. How health care systems can use this approach to track out-comes.

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Regional Coordinator Coffee Hour  (CG/HP)

Speakers: Speakers with WyCOA Healthier Wyoming: Kevin Franke, BSN. Kara Beech, BSBA, SHRM-CP. Maggie Kougl. Dian True, RN, CDCES, FADCES.   | Learning Objectives: Identify the outreach options in their community for diabetes education. Differentiate when to refer to Diabetes Self-Management Education and Diabetes Prevention Programs. Describe how to initiate programs to address hypertension and high cholesterol with team-based care | TC: 7809

  • Filmed at the 2021 Wyoming Conference on Aging | September 2021 | 1 hour

  • Learning Objectives: Identify the outreach options in their community for diabetes education. Differenti-ate when to refer to Diabetes Self-Management Education and Diabetes Prevention Programs. Describe how to initiate programs to address hypertension and high cholesterol with team-based care.

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SDOH Session 1 – Happy, Healthy and Productive in Rural Communities: Panel Discussion of the Challenges (CG/HP)

From the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Webinar Series.  Mountain-Pacific Quality Health partnered with WyCOA and the Wyoming Department of Health to provide this online panel discussion of the challenges to remain happy, healthy and productive in rural communities. This session was recorded July 26, 2021 |  TC: 7800 | 1 Hour

Objectives: Define health equity.  Review Social Determinants of Health (SDoH).  Discuss how can we assess needs in our communities.  Planning to address what you assess.


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SDOH Session 2 – Happy, Healthy and Productive in Rural Communities: Technology’s Role in Referrals and Community Connections


From the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Webinar Series.  Mountain-Pacific Quality Health partnered with WyCOA and the Wyoming Department of Health to provide this online panel discussion of the challenges to remain happy, healthy and productive in rural communities. Session two was recorded August 30, 2021 and focuses on technology's role in referrals and community connections.  TC: 7801 | 1 Hour

Objectives: Review Health Equity and SDoH.  Introduce Technology used to address SDoH.  Discuss Montana’s CONNECT Platform.  Unite US review and initiative status in our region.


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SDOH Session 3 – Happy, Healthy and Productive in Rural Communities: Taking Action


From the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Webinar Series.  Mountain-Pacific Quality Health partnered with WyCOA and the Wyoming Department of Health to provide this online panel discussion of the challenges to remain happy, healthy and productive in rural communities. Session three was recorded September 13, 2021 and focuses on taking action.  TC: 7802 | 1 Hour

Objectives: One Health Practice Presentation.  County Health Rankings Data and Resources.  Review Health Equity and SDoH.  One Small Step for Humankind.


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Older Adult Driver Safety - An Overview (CG/HP)

Cara L. Johnson, DO.  Geriatric Medicine Physician | July 6th, 2020 | TC: 6879 | 1 Hour

From the 2020 Wise on the Road Driver Series - Week 1

Objectives: To learn about physiology of aging that affects driving.  To learn about signs of unsafe driving.  To learn about assessment for driving safety.  To learn about resources for driving evaluation

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Aging, Health, and Driving: Screening and Assessment (CG/HP)

Richard Marottoli, MD, MPH. | July 13th, 2020 | TC: 6880 | 1 Hour
From the 2020 Wise on the Road Driver Series - Week 2

Objectives: Understand factors contributing to potential driving risk.  Understand how to assess these factors.  Understand where to find relevant tests and additional information.

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Aging, Health, and Driving: Clinical Intervention and Conversations (CG/HP)

Richard Marottoli, MD, MPH | July 20th, 2020 | TC: 6881 | 1 Hour
From the 2020 Wise on the Road Driver Series - Week 3

Objectives: Understand recent interventions for potential risk factors.  Understand the role of a driving rehabilitation specialist.  Understand available resources to help with discussions and transitions

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Planning for Incapacity and Loss of Driving Privileges (CG/HP)

Rick Martinez, Esquire J.D.  Legal Aid of Wyoming | July 27th, 2020 | TC: 6882 | 1 Hour
From the 2020 Wise on the Road Driver Series - Week 4

Objectives: Aging Drivers and the Law.  How to Have the Difficult Conversation.  Planning for Incapacity.  Alternatives to Driving

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What to Expect with Driving and Aging (CG/HP)

Lt. Kyle P. McKay, Safety and Training Division of the Wyoming Highway Patrol | August 7th, 2020 | TC: 6883 | 1 Hour
From the 2020 Wise on the Road Driver Series for Caregivers/Family - Week 1

Objectives: The Issue, The Signs, The Approach, Alternatives, Conclusion

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Distracted Driving and Seatbelt Importance (CG/HP)

Sgt. Momen O. Elazizi, Safety Education Coordinator, Wyoming Highway Patrol | August 14th, 2020 | TC: 6884 | 1 Hour
From the 2020 Wise on the Road Driver Series for Caregivers/Family - Week 2
  • Objectives-Following this presentation you should have a good understanding of the following key concepts/topics: Seat belt purpose and design, Seat belt statistics, Dangers of distracted driving, Dangers of excessive speed, Hazards caused by the “Four D’s” (Drunk, Distracted, Drowsy, and/or Dumb), How to approach loved ones about safe driving habits, Community impact with regard to traffic crashes & fatalities
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Impaired Driving: Important Considerations (CG/HP)

Sgt. Momen O. Elazizi, Safety Education Coordinator, Wyoming Highway Patrol | August 21th, 2020 | TC: 6885 | 1 Hour
From the 2020 Wise on the Road Driver Series for Caregivers/Family - Week 3
  • Objectives: Understand Impaired Driving is a huge problem in WyomingDrug Impaired Driving is on the rise and The average BAC of someone arrested for DUI is .15%
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AARP Driver Safety: Driving Mobility Forward (CG/HP)

by Michelle Monje from AARP | August 28th, 2020 | TC: 6886 | 1 Hour
From the 2020 Wise on the Road Driver Series for Caregivers/Family - Week 4
  • Objectives: review aging trends and older drivers, look at mobility and successful aging, review AARP driver safety programs.
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Medicare Annual Wellness Visit - Learning Modules

Wyoming Primary Care Association is pleased to be working with the Wyoming Center on Aging at the University of Wyoming on an effort to encourage more seniors to take advantage of their Annual Wellness Visit (AWV).   The Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) is a yearly appointment with your primary care provider (PCP) to create or update a personalized prevention plan. This plan may help prevent illness based on your current health and risk factors. Keep in mind that the AWV is not a head-to-toe physical. Also, this service is similar to but separate from the one-time Welcome to Medicare preventive visit.

Live Fit, Age Well (CG/HP)

Neil Short, Certified Personal Trainer | TC: 6877

  • Filmed at the 2018 Wyoming Conference on Aging | October 4th, 2018 | 1 hour

  • Learning Objectives: The objective of the Be Fit Age Well talk is to convince seniors that Strength +Mobility = Independence and Freedom and then to demonstrate that basic strength training is simple and requires little equipment.  Seniors who stay strong are able to age in place and, when health issues do arise, seniors who have done their work ( strength training as prehab) are able to heal and recover quickly.  I will speak of the importance of strength training by 1) explaining the devastating affects of sarcopenia 2) emphasize-ing that sarcopenia can be halted and reversed by strength training.  Attendees will leave the session with basic exercises that train our ability to push (including lifting overhead), to pull (including lifting items off of the floor), to hinge at the hips, to squat, and to carry weight. Push-Pull-Hip Hinge-Squat- Weighted Carry. In other words, training to function day-in, day-out.  Core work is included in all of that. As a basic core movement, seniors are encouraged to get up and down from the floor ten times daily using props as needed

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Identifying Community Resources (CG/HP)

Carol Taylor, LCSW. Elder Care Advisors | TC: 6868

  • Filmed at the 2018 Wyoming Conference on Aging | October 4th, 2018 | 1 hour

  • Learning Objectives: To provide family care partners information and resources related to dementia and self-care.  Awareness of additional resources in your community/region

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The Longevity Economy: Data Debunks Myths About Aging (CG/HP)

Ramsey Laine Alwin, AARP Expert on OLogevity Economy; Jerimiah Rieman, Director of Economic Diversification Strategy Office Office of the Governor; Frans Fuchs, Policy Coordinator/Legislative Liaison DOH | TC: 6856

  • Filmed at the 2018 Wyoming Conference on Aging | October 3rd, 2018 | 1.5 hour

  • Learning Objectives: Gain an understanding of what is the longevity economy; Explore myths and misconceptions about how people 50 and older drive macro and micro economic trends; Understand how people 50 and older are impacting Wyoming’s economy.

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Disrupting Aging and Putting Inspiration into Action: Next Steps for My Community (CG/HP)

Kate Sarosy & Sam Shumway, AARP Wyoming | TC: 6876

  • Filmed at the 2018 Wyoming Conference on Aging | October 4th, 2018 | 1 hour

  • Learning Objectives: What/who/where is your community? State, city, colleagues, patients, church?  Review key takeaways and ideas from the conferences.  Identify simple steps to apply those learnings to your community

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Healthy Aging & Resource Programs, Panel Presentation (CG/HP)

Numerous Panelists | TC: 6864

  • Filmed at the 2018 Wyoming Conference on Aging | October 3rd, 2018 | 1.5 hour

  • Learning Objective: Understanding and becoming aware of Healthy Aging and Resource Programs in Wyoming.

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Vicarious Trauma: the Need for Provider Self-care when Engaging in Trauma Work (CG/HP)

Maya Pignatore, PhD | TC: 6867

  • Filmed at the 2018 Wyoming Conference on Aging | October 4th, 2018 | 1 hour

  • Learning Objectives: Identify criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder.  Identify symptoms of secondary trauma and burnout.  Identify self-care techniques

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Aging Etiquette (CG/HP)

updated 2019| Powerpoint, and Powerpoint with notes 

30 Minutes (variable)

Learning Objectives:

  • Diversity of people who are aging
  • Ageism in institutional settings and implications
  • Aging etiquette and reasonable accommodations
View this Powerpoint with interactive videos and teaching notes above
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Contact Us

Wyoming Center on Aging

1000 E. University Ave, Dept 3415

Ross Hall, Room 411

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-2829

Fax: (307) 766-2847


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