Wyoming Center on Aging
1000 E. University Ave, Dept 3415
Ross Hall, Room 411
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2829
Fax: (307) 766-2847
Email: wycoa@uwyo.edu
Speaker: Karl Rosston, LCSW. Suicide Prevention Coordinator, Montana DPHHS | TC: 9808
Filmed at the 2023 Wyoming Conference on Aging | September 19th, 2023 | 1 hour
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to complete a depression screen. Participants will be able to complete a suicide risk assessment, Participants will be able to complete a safety plan. Participants will know the questions to ask concerning lethal means counseling and safe storage of firearms and medications.
View this Module and complete the Evaluation Event Survey (for CEs upon request)
Speaker: Carla Perissinotto, MD, MHS | TC: 9804
Filmed at the 2023 Wyoming Conference on Aging | September 18th, 2023 | 1 hour
Learning Objectives: Understand the definitions and components of loneliness, isolation and social connection. Discuss ways to understand health risks for older adults. Identify evidence for how loneliness and isolation affect health.
View this Module and complete the Evaluation Event Survey (for CEs upon request)
Speaker: Wendelin Hume, PhD. Dept. of Criminal Justice, Associate Professor at the University of North Dakota. | TC: 7824
Filmed at the 2021 Wyoming Conference on Aging | September 2021 | 1 hour
Learning Objectives: Gain an understanding of the importance of resilience. Gain an appreciation for the benefits of a positive outlook. Identify ways to stay mentally active.
View this Module and complete the Evaluation Event Survey (for CEs upon request)
Speaker: Cathy Buschmeier, MPH. Intentional Injury Prevention Coordinator, WDOH. | TC: 7813
Filmed at the 2021 Wyoming Conference on Aging | September 2021 | 1 hour
Learning Objectives: Look at nuances to suicide in late life. Review risk/protective factors, discuss suggestions for prevention.
View this Module and complete the Evaluation Event Survey (for CEs upon request)
Speaker: Maya Pignatore, PhD, HBPC Psychologist. Omaha VAMC. | TC: 7812
Filmed at the 2021 Wyoming Conference on Aging | September 2021 | 1 hour
Objectives: Learn the known sequalae of social isolation. Review current research on effects of isolation during the pandemic. Review of methods of combat negative effects of isolation.
View this Module and complete the Evaluation Event Survey (for CEs upon request)
Anne B. Pagano, LCSW, ACSW, BCD, C-ASWCM . Hoarding Disorder Resource and Training
Group, Inc | TC: 6857
Filmed at the 2018 Wyoming Conference on Aging | October 3rd, 2018 | 1 hour
Learning Objectives: The information provided increased my understanding of the option of implementing different assessment tools to evaluate the severity of the hoarded environment; The information provided increased my knowledge how the diagnosis of Hoarding Disorder can be utilized by advocates as a condition warranting "reasonable accommodated" under the Americans with Disabilities and and Fair Housing Act; The information provided increased my understanding of the development of a harm reduction case management plan with the direct involvement of the client / tenant, to support requested reasonable accommodations with a goal oriented - time limited intervention plan.
View this Module and complete the Evaluation Event Survey (for CEs upon request)
Jennifer Hanzlick, Colorado Hoarding Task Force | TC: 6862
Filmed at the 2018 Wyoming Conference on Aging | October 3rd, 2018 | 1 hour
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to develop skills to work with hoarding disorder. Participants will be able to describe a community task force approach. Participants will be able to identify peer and family support options for clutter problems
View this Module and complete the Evaluation Event Survey (for CEs upon request)
Anne B. Pagano, LCSW, ACSW, BCD, C-ASWCM . Hoarding Disorder Resource and Training
Group, Inc. Jennifer Hanzlick, Colorado Hoarding Task Force | TC: 6804-809
Filmed at the 2018 Wyoming Conference on Aging as a Preconference Workshop | October 3rd, 2018 | 6 hour
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to develop skills to work with hoarding disorder. Participants will be able to describe a community task force approach. Participants will be able to identify peer and family support options for clutter problems
Topics: From Clutter to chaos to squalor; hoarding disorder and related diagnosis; Distress and Interpersonal Aspects; Brain Physiology and Neruo-Spactail perceptions; Assessment Exercise; Self Neglect; treatment Modalities; CBT, ERP; Harm reduction and more!
click on the code to view the section of the workshop |
TC: 6804 |
TC: 6805 |
TC: 6806 |
TC: 6807 |
TC: 6808 |
TC: 6809 |
Brett Deacon, PhD | March 28, 2013 | TC: 6847
1 Hour
Learning Objectives:
Catherine Carrico, PhD | March 28, 2013 | TC: 6848
1 Hour
Learning Objectives:
Diane Kempson, PhD | March 9, 2011 | TC: 6849
1 Hour
Learning Objectives:
Keith Hotle | March 27, 2013 | TC: 6850
1 Hour
Learning Objectives:
Wyoming Center on Aging
1000 E. University Ave, Dept 3415
Ross Hall, Room 411
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2829
Fax: (307) 766-2847
Email: wycoa@uwyo.edu