Wyoming Center on Aging
1000 E. University Ave, Dept 3415
Ross Hall, Room 411
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2829
Fax: (307) 766-2847
Email: wycoa@uwyo.edu
There is no cost to use the items, and we will mail them to you for a (average) 4-week use. Exceptions can be requested. To borrow any of the listed items, contact WyCOA.
Through the UW ECHO® in Geriatrics, sponsored by the Wyoming Center on Aging, the
Montana Geriatric Education Center, and Mountain Pacific Quality Health Foundation
healthcare professionals throughout the region have the opportunity to receive best-practice
recommendations for consideration in management of older adults. You are invited to
present challenging cases for discussion and feedback to a network of colleagues as
well as a specialist care team. Each ECHO network will also feature a brief community
discussion on a variety of important topics related to geriatrics. Learn more about the UW ECHO in Geriatrics!
PubMed provides recent articles on aging for free.
GoWyLD Wyoming Libraries
GoWyLD.net provides a collection of electronic databases.
Managing Behaviors Associated With Dementia: Resource Guides
Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center (ADEAR)
The National Institute on Aging provides information on ADEAR which informs caregivers
and healthcare providers. Topics include Who We Are, Our Services, How to Contact the ADEAR Center, Articles, and Latest News.
CDC Healthy Brain Initiative Reports and Resources
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) includes the full report of the
healthy brain initiative, the executive summary, and additional sources of information
on the healthy brain and cognitive health.
Dementia Care Practice Recommendations
The Alzheimer's Association provides recommendations developed from the latest evidence
in dementia care research and the experience of professional direct care experts.
Assessment and Interventions for Delirium
The Iowa Geriatric Education Center provides an educational video on assessment and
intervention for delirium.
Guidelines for the Evaluation of Dementia and Age-Related Cognitive Change
The American Psychological Association provides guidelines for psychologists who perform
evaluations of dementia and age-related cognitive change.
Assessing Cognitive Impairment in Older Patients
The National Institute on Aging provides information on assessing cognitive impairments
in older patients with topics such as Why is it Important, Benefits of Early Screening, How is Cognitive Impairment Evaluated, and Resources.
World Alzheimer Report 2011: The Benefits of Early Diagnosis and Intervention
The Alzheimer’s Disease International provides a report to indicate that interventions
are effective in the early stages of dementia, some of which may be more effective
when started earlier.
GDS Geriatric Depression Scale
The Geriatric Depression Scale is a screening device used to identify depression in
older adults. This is a free handheld version that can be used to administer and score
the scale. The app was developed by Jerome Yesavage, MD from Stanford University School
of Medicine, Aging Clinical Research Center.
Geriatrics at Your Fingertips
Geriatrics at Your Fingertips was developed by the American Geriatrics Society and
consists of current management and evaluation approaches for geriatric disorders and
iGeriatrics was developed by the American Geriatrics Society. The app offers free
clinical information in one easy to use application. Includes the Beers Criteria, Geriatric Cultural Navigator, GeriPsych Consult, Guide to Common Immunizations,
Management of Atrial Fibrillation, and Prevention of Falls Guidelines.
DailyMed is a free website offered through the U.S. National Library of Medicine and
provides high quality information about marketed drugs, including FDA labels (package
Drug Information Portal
Drug Information Portal is a website portal with access to information for over 31,000
drugs. Names, usage, and structures are displayed, as well as search links to key
U.S. National Library of Medicine and government sites.
Epocrates is a free app designed for healthcare professionals and provides access
to information about medication, diagnostic information, and disease. Additional online
services are available for subscription.
Micromedex is a drug reference app with information about different medications.
Warfarin Guide
Warfarin Guide offers important information on recommendations, dose adjustments, and protocols for the initiation of Warfarin.
NEJM This Week
The New England Journal of Medicine provides free access to Articles, Images in Clinical Medicine, Audio Summary, and Videos in Clinical Medicine on a variety of topics from biomedical science to clinical practice. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nejm-this-week/id373156254?mt=8
Click Here for Apple.
PubMed Mobile
PubMed Mobile provides an easy to use web interface to PubMed that can be accessed
through a mobile device. PubMed contains articles and abstracts from thousands of
biomedical journals. Android. PubMed Mobile webpage.
PubMed for Handhelds
PubMed for Handhelds is a free way to search information from the National Library
of Medicine (NLM) through the web browser of any mobile device. .
MedlinePlus Mobile
MedlinePlus Mobile provides consumer health information from MedlinePlus.gov, topics
include Health Topics, Drugs & Supplements, Videos & Tools, Lab Test Information, and Medical Encyclopedia.
Alzheimer's Association
The Alzheimer’s Association is a national organization that provides education and
information about Alzheimer’s disease. Information is available for professionals,
family members and patients with topics including Dementia Care Provider Roundtable, Dementia Care Practice Recommendations, and Dementia Care Training and Certification.
AMDA - Dedicated to Long-Term Care Medicine
AMDA, formerly known as the American Medical Directors Association, represents the
Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine. This professional association
is geared towards physicians, medical directors, and others practicing in long-term
care. AMDA is dedicated to excellence in patient care and provides education, advocacy,
information, and professional development to promote the delivery of quality long-term
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
The American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine offers educational opportunities
and information about end-of-life care.
American Geriatrics Society (AGS)
AGS provides information about geriatrics to professionals and the public. The site
provides resources for clinical practice, a directory of agencies, education, conferences,
and research.
American Psychological Association Office on Aging
The American Psychological Association Office on Aging provides information on Programs and Services, Aging Policy Issues, Journal Articles on Aging Issues, and Press Releases on Aging Issues.
Council of Professional Geropsychology Training Programs (CoPGTP)
CoPGTP promotes geropsychology training based on the Pikes Peak model for training.
The site offers information about the model and resources for different levels of
Gerontological Society of America
The Gerontological Society of America provides information for professionals and students
on Programs & Services, Publications, and Meetings & Events.
National Association for Geriatric Education Centers (NAGEC)
NAGEC supports the national network of Geriatric Education Centers (GECs) which are
dedicated to improving the education/training, supply, distribution, and quality of
healthcare professionals through strong community-academic partnerships.
The following journals are freely available on the Internet.
American Geriatrics Society Updated Beers Criteria
The American Geriatrics Society provides updated criteria, evidence tables, training
materials, and information for nurses.
PubMed Articles on Comorbidity
PubMed provides free access to articles on comorbidity in older adults.
Managing Multiple Health Problems in Older Adults
The American Geriatric Society provides information on multiple chronic health problems
in older adults.
The United States Department of Justice Elder Justice Initiative
The United States Department of Justice provides information on elder abuse and includes
topics on Older Adults, Families, and Caregivers; Financial Exploitation; Victim Specialists; Multidisciplinary
Teams; Research; and Webinars/Outreach.
National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA)
The NCEA provides information and resources on elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
PubMed Articles on Advance Directives, Terminal and Palliative Care
PubMed provides free access to articles on advance directives, terminal and palliative
care for older adults.
Wyoming Advance Directives: The University of Wyoming provides a form for Wyoming Advance Directives, an accompanying guide, and a glossary.
CareSearch: CareSearch Palliative Care Knowledge Network provides information on palliative care in Australia.
Policies and Tools for Hospital Palliative Care Programs (PDF)
The Center to Advance Palliative Care provides a PDF on policies, tools, and resources
for health care providers of palliative and end-of-life care.
PubMed Articles on Fall Prevention
PubMed provides free access to articles on fall prevention for older adults.
The Geriatrics Review Syllabus on Falls
The American Geriatrics Society provides clinical practice guidelines for the prevention
of falls in older persons with topics such as Screening and Assessment and Interventions to Prevent Falls.
Fall Prevention Center of Excellence
The Fall Prevention Center of Excellence provides information for service providers,
individuals & families, and researchers & educators on topics like What is Fall Prevention, Resources, and News & Events.
Older Adult Falls
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides Important Facts about Falls, Costs of Falls, Hip Fractures Among Older Adults, and Older Adult Falls Programs.
Falls in the Elderly
Merck Manual provides information on falls in the elderly with topics on Etiology, Evaluation, and Prevention.
Interventions to Prevent Falls in Older Adults: An Updated Systematic Review
The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) provides access to an article
on Interventions to Prevent Falls in Older Adults: An Updated Systematic Review.
Preventing Falls: A Guide to Implementing Effective Community-Based Fall Prevention
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides organizations with the
building blocks of effective fall prevention programs by providing examples, resources,
and tips. This document is available in PDF or print copy can be ordered for free
from the CDC.
CDC Compendium of Effective Fall Interventions: What Works for Community-Dwelling
Older Adults, 3rd Edition
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides access to a compendium
of effective fall interventions for older adults for providers to utilize in their own communities.
Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries (STEADI)
STEADI is an initiative for healthcare providers to help identify at risk patients,
risk factors, and effective interventions for falls in older adults.
PubMed Articles on Health Literacy Among Older Adults
PubMed provides free access to articles on health literacy among older adults.
Health Literacy: MedlinePlus
The National Library of Medicine provides general information on health literacy for
patients and families.
DISCLAIMER: The opinions and views expressed by contributors to this web site are those of the contributor and are not intended as individual medical advice. In addition, they do not represent the views of the University of Wyoming.
Wyoming Center on Aging
1000 E. University Ave, Dept 3415
Ross Hall, Room 411
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2829
Fax: (307) 766-2847
Email: wycoa@uwyo.edu