Biomedical Sequencing Grant Program

Rolling Deadline Around the Year

The NIH NIGMS-funded Wyoming IDeA Networks for Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) Program’s Data Science Core (IDSC) requests proposals from University of Wyoming and Wyoming community college faculty and researchers to the Wyoming INBRE Sequencing and Bioinformatic Analysis Program. The immediate goal of this program is to provide support for the acquisition of next-generation sequencing data (genomes, transcriptomes, amplicon analysis etc.) that will strengthen the research program of the applicant. Additionally, funds may be used for sample prep and sequencing. Funds may not be used for sample acquisition (e.g., tissue/sample culture or collection of samples in the field), nor for purchase of laboratory supplies or reagents unrelated to the proposed work. Anticipated outcomes of this support include, but are not limited to, conference presentations, peer-reviewed papers and/or production of preliminary data for nationally competitive grant proposals. The longer-term objective of the program is to enhance bioinformatics research and training in Wyoming, as a contribution towards furthering the goals of Wyoming INBRE. Faculty and other research personnel (e.g., academic professionals but not graduate students) are encouraged to apply. Projects with a training component involving undergraduate or graduate students will be preferentially considered. Awarded funds must be spent (not simply billed by) before April 15 of the fiscal year in which the award was made. Funds may not be used for any other purpose than those described above.

Funds up to $10,000 may be requested. Depending on the number of applications received, the amounts awarded to successful applicants may be less than requested. If there are any questions with respect to the cost or feasibility of a proposed project, please do not hesitate to contact the IDSC. Additionally, the IDSC is happy to provide support for experimental design if requested. These, and any additional questions, should be directed to

Judging criteria

Applications will be assessed based on: (1) completeness and clarity of project description including adequate survey of literature in the area of research; (2) degree of novelty of proposed project; (3) benefit to applicant's research program; (3) where relevant, dissemination of previously generated next-generation sequencing data and analysis; (4) involvement of student trainees; (5) appropriate and well-justified amount of requested (6) past history of funding from WY INBRE to the sponsoring lab as well as reporting those products to WY INBRE; and (7) participation in support of INBRE events (e.g., INBRE Spring Conference, RAIN, biennial meetings).  Please note:  Applications without the required number of written quotes will be rejected without review or acknowledgement.  See below for details.

Choice of facility

Applicants are encouraged to propose use of a sequencing facility of their choice, particularly if they have already established a successful working relationship with such a facility. The IDSC requests 3 well-considered competitive quotes in writing for each submission.  All quotes must contain the same statement of work and must not include any bioinformatics data analysis unless that service is provided free of charge. Applicants are encouraged to consult the IDSC for advice on service providers and interpretation of quote results. For those who (1) have received sequencing funding from the IDSC in the past 4 years and (2) have an established relationship with a provider, only one quote is necessary. If you are planning on providing a single quote, we strongly encourage you to email ahead of time to avoid disqualification.

Award conditions

Successful applicants will be required to participate in an INBRE event in which they will provide brief presentations on their supported project and how the knowledge gained has been used to advance bioinformatics components of the applicant’s research and/or educational program. Program participants will also be required to complete brief surveys to allow programmatic assessment.  All products resulting from the award must fully acknowledge this funding source.

Proposal guidelines (font of 11pt or larger, margins must be 1” or larger)

Include all the following requested information in a single pdf document and email it to with the subject heading “IDSCseq– Your_last_name”. You will receive an email confirmation of receipt within a week. Incomplete applications will not be considered nor acknowledged.

Investigator information (1 page)

Name of investigator, position, institution, department, and contact information.
List all past WY INBRE funding for you or members (past or present) from your lab.

Project description (1-2 pages excluding any added references)

  1. Description of proposed sequencing and/or bioinformatics analysis project, including its scientific merit.
  2. If generating new sequencing data, how do you propose to ensure the novelty of the data?
  3. How do you plan to disseminate results to the scientific community at large? Provide specific examples from past research.
  4. If estimated project costs exceed the requested amount, provide an explanation on how these costs will be supported.
  5. What if any other funds are available to complete the proposed sequencing work?
  6. When do you expect to send out samples?  Please note we will not fund any project that is not ready to be sequenced within 3 months and will decline to pay for unapproved of delays if an award is made.
    • depending on the number of applications we receive, preference may be given to projects that are ready to go. Providing unrealistic timelines for submitting samples to a sequencing facility could affect future funding.

Budget and justification (no limit)

Detailed listing of funds requested and explanation of their relevance to the proposed work. This must include an explanation of sequencing effort (e.g., coverage, sampling scheme).
Attach at least 3 sequencing quotes from different service providers. Unless there is a compelling justification as to the preferred service provider, the amount awarded will equal the lowest of the three quotes.

Past Grant Awardees

Eric Atkinson, Northwest College. Metagenomic characterization of avian fecal microbiomes in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem - An opportunity for basic discovery science and problem-based learning within the emerging field of bioinformatics.

Holly Earnest, UW Zoology & Physiology. Reduced representation genome sequencing project to investigate population genomics in Wyoming mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus).

Brian Cherrington, UW Zoology & Physiology. Identification of the post-translationally modified amino acid residues on cytoskeletal filaments in anterior pituitary gland gonadotrope cells.

Danielle Bruns, UW Kinesiology & Health. Mechanisms of age-specific cardiac remodeling: using RNA-seq to understand pediatric and geriatric heart failure.

Jonathan Fox, UW Neuroscience. Discovery of novel veterinary pathogens.

Hannah Cunningham-Hollinger. Survey of the maternal/reproductive microbiomes influence on the neonatal rumen microbiome in cattle.


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