The NIH NIGMS-funded Wyoming IDeA Networks for Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) Program requests proposals from University of Wyoming and Wyoming community college faculty and researchers to the Wyoming INBRE Data Science Core Travel for Training Grant Program (TfT). TfT funds may be used for tuition and travel costs related to attending the workshop. Please be aware that if a workshop is tacked on to a conference you are attending, funds will only be provided for the workshop itself, and costs unrelated to the conference (i.e., extra hotel nights to attend the workshop). Per diem is not available for the TfT program, receipts are required. Additionally, funds can be requested for room and board if required to attend a workshop.
The immediate goal of this program is to support the travel costs associated with participation in formal bioinformatics training events (workshops, short courses). The longer-term objective of the program is to enhance the bioinformatics expertise of Wyoming researchers and educators, as a contribution towards furthering the goals of Wyoming INBRE. Faculty, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and other research personnel are encouraged to apply.
Although it is anticipated that most training opportunities will be located outside of Wyoming, applications that propose participation in an event conducted in Wyoming will also be considered. Appropriate training opportunities include those that support research and/or educational objectives, and may be discipline-specific or more general.
For those of you who have landed on this page, but have not identified formal training opportunities, please contact The Core to inquire if we may know of training opportunities for you or to discuss the potential for training by Core staff.
Proposals will be prioritized on the basis of (applicants must address the following in their application for consideration):
the likelihood that the training enhances the research and/or educational program of the applicant (including the reputation of the proposed training provider) ability of the applicant will be able to transmit their new knowledge to other researchers/educators upon return to Wyoming demonstrated potential that the information gained could be incorporated into research program or curriculum Award Conditions
Successful applicants will be required to participate in a half-day event in which they will provide brief presentations on their training experience and how the knowledge gained has been used to advance bioinformatics components of the applicant’s research and/or educational program. Program participants will also be required to complete very brief surveys before and after the training event, to allow programmatic assessment. Presentations and publications resultant from this training must acknowledge Wyoming INBRE.
Funds up to $2,500 may be requested. If this amount does not fully support the applicant’s costs to attend a workshop, the applicant must provide an explanation of the source of additional required funds. Depending on the number of applications received, the amounts awarded to successful applicants may be less than requested. If you have questions, feel free to contact Nic Blouin.
Please Note: Although the applications are on a rolling basis funding is competitive and each year this program will terminate if the amount of awards exceeds our ability to fund additional applicants due to budgetary considerations.