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University of Wyoming

The Rossman Adult Learning Inventory

Directions: Below is a list of questions asking about characteristics of the Adult Learner. Please consider each question carefully and then place the mouse over the answer you think is correct. Only the correct answer will have a response. Good Luck and Have Fun!

1. Adult learners should be encouraged to relate new or different concepts to their existing experience.


2. Adult learners are often issue (or problem) centered rather than subject centered.


3. It is difficult for an adult to do a familiar task in an unfamiliar way


4. Adult learners usually want educational experiences that relate to job/life situations.


5. Most adult learnering occurs outside formal education institutions.


6. An adult's experience may interfere with the learning process.


7. Adult learners should not be involved in formulating their learning objectives.


8. Adult learners desire minimum time expenditures to complete their educational objectives.


9. Adults and children have the same orientation to learning.


10. There is very little diversity in groups of adult learners.