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University of Wyoming

Session 14 - Resources

Critical Theory

You must read one web site from each of one of the three categories (critical theory, postmodernism and PDF Readings). Describe your reaction to one of the three on the threaded discussion.

Critical Theory:


Defining the Critical Theory by Walter Jensen


PDF Readings
you can downlaod

Flannery, D. (1994). Changing dominant understandings of adults as learners. Confronting racism and sexism: New directions for adult and continuing education. (Eds.). Elisabeth Hayes and Scipio A.J. Colin III. Jossey-Bass: San Franscisco.

Sheared, V. (1994). Giving voice: An inclusive midel of instruction-A womanist perspective. Confronting racism and sexism: New directions for adult and continuing education. (Eds.). Elisabeth Hayes and Scipio A.J. Colin III. Jossey-Bass: San Franscisco.

Murphy, M. (2001). The politics of adult education: state, economy and civil society. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 20, 5, pp.345-360.

Kilgore, D. (1999) Understanding learning in social movements: a theory of collective learning. International Journal of Lifelong Education,18, 3, pp191-202.

Grace, A. (2001) Using queer cultural studies to transgress adult educational space. In (Eds.). V. Sheared, and P. Sissel. Making Space. Westport: Bergin & Garvey

Brookfield, S. (2002) Overcoming alienation as the practive of adult education: The contribution of Erich Fromm to a critical theory of adult learning and education.. Adult Education Quarterly, 52, 2, pp. 96-111.