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Fall Literacy Conference

Literacy Education Conference, Oct 2-3, 2015

(Multiple Modes of Literacy)

Was presented and co-sponsored by the UW Literacy Research Center and Clinic, Wyoming School-University Partnership, and the College of Education, and University of Wyoming.


Amanda Sanders Session Dr. Jeanne R. Paratore Workshop


Multiple Modes of Literacy

Multimodal literacies is a term acknowledging that we read and gain meaning from pictures, videos, diagrams, graphs, and other modes of communication in addition to print. This conference focused on instruction that includes print as well as other modes of communication.

Goals and Objectives for the Conference:
• Bring together pre-K, elementary, and middle level Wyoming teachers and librarians to explore current issues and trends in multimodal literacies for pre-K, elementary, and middle level classrooms.
• Explore current principles and practices related to multimodal literacies as they relate to reading comprehension and learning (Common Core State Standards).
• Introduce Wyoming teachers to resources available at UW’s Literacy Research Center and Clinic.

Introduction and Panel Video



Keynote Speakers:


Dr. Jeanne R. Paratore

Dr. Jeanne R. Paratore

Dr. Jeanne R. Paratore is Professor of Education, Faculty Director of the Literacy and Language Education Cluster, and Program Director, Reading and Literacy Education at Boston University. She also serves as director of the Donald D. Durrell Reading and Writing Clinic. She is a former classroom teacher, reading specialist, and Title I director and she draws on these experiences in the frequent professional development she conducts with teachers. She has been principal investigator on funded studies totaling over $4 million of family literacy and home/school partnerships. She is currently Principle Investigator on a funded study of effects of integrating PBS programming with sound instructional practices on development of early literacy and early mathematics abilities. She has published widely on issues related to family literacy, classroom grouping practices, interventions for struggling readers, and most recently, the affordances of integrating digital media with the instructional routines in early childhood classrooms. She is an author of a leading instructional reading program and she has served as co-curriculum director of the award-winning children’s television series, Between the Lions. She is an elected member of the Reading Hall of Fame, a recipient of the New England Reading Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Ida M. Johnson Award honoring distinguished alumni of Boston University’s School of Education

Dr. Bridget Dalton

Dr. Bridget Dalton

Dr. Bridget Dalton is an Associate Professor in Literacy Studies at the University of Colorado-Boulder. She designs and studies digital reading and multimodal composing environments, with special attention to the interests and needs of students who are experiencing literacy difficulties. Currently, she is collaborating on a study of adolescents’ English/Language Arts project-based learning, funded by Lucas Education Research, and a study of children’s digital literacies. Dalton was on the faculty at Vanderbilt University and the University of Guam, and served as chief literacy and technology officer at CAST, Inc., a non-profit research and development organization. She has published widely on digital literacies, co-developed the award-winning reading program, Thinking Reader, and was co-editor of the International Reading Association’s electronic journal, Reading Online. Dalton serves on the editorial boards of Reading Research Quarterly, the Journal of Literacy Research, and The Reading Teacher, among others. With colleagues, she blogs about literacy and technology at Dalton earned her doctorate in reading, language, and learning disabilities at Harvard University.



Keynote Presentations


Teaching Literacy with and through Technology: Why it Matters

Presenter, Jeanne Paratore


In an age when interactions outside of school demand an increasingly diverse array of societal and technological resources, interactions in school too often remain focused primarily—sometimes exclusively—on traditional learning resources (i.e., print books). In this presentation I’ll provide a brief explanation of why integration of digital media in literacy instruction should be a fundamental component of our teaching methods. Also, I’ll provide a few examples of how effective teachers integrate media as part of their routine instruction.


Multimodal Composers at Work in a Time of New Literacies and Common Core Standards

Presenter, Bridget Dalton


The shift from writing to multimodal composition expands the communication palette and offers new possibilities for diverse learners to express themselves and act on their world.  It also requires a shift in our instructional practices and beliefs.  What do we know now, and what are we fast discovering about how to teach and assess multimodal composers?  Lessons from teachers and students at work.


Interactive Workshops

Saturday Morning Workshops

Teaching Literacy with and through Technology

Presenter, Jeanne Paratore

In this presentation as an expansion to my keynote, I’ll provide a brief explanation of why integration of digital media in literacy instruction should be a fundamental component of our teaching methods. I’ll provide a few examples of how effective teachers integrate media as part of their routine instruction.


Primary Technology Integration (Grades K-2)

Presenters, Kristi Von Krosigk and Melissa Rasmussen

How do teachers use technology to individualize instruction and meet the demands of the Common Core in the 21st century world? By unlocking the potential of technology, participants will have a greater understanding of the global resources available for today’s classrooms. This session demonstrates authentic technology integration to differentiate instruction for every student, thereby increasing engagement and achievement.


Saturday Afternoon Workshops


Designing with Multiple Modes: A Digital Composers’ Workshop Approach

Presenter, Bridget Dalton

Please come with a tablet or laptop so that you can engage in some multimodal composition experiences and access online resources to support the design and enactment of a scaffolded digital composers’ workshop guided by universal design for learning principles.


From the Avengers to Zod: Unmasking Comics and Multiliteracies in the Classroom,

Presenter, Tonia Dousay

Comic books and graphic novels are not a new medium, but they are finding their way into the K-12 classroom for a variety of reasons. Whether you're an avid comic fan or casual reader of the Sunday funnies, you can use comic books to reinforce visual, media, and/or traditional literacies or provide a creative assessment method in your classroom. In this workshop, we will examine comics created by students and explore standards, lesson plans, software, and other resources available to help you feel comfortable adopting this approach. You'll also be able to create your own comic book, if you choose. Bringing your laptop computer (Mac or PC) will be helpful, but it is not required to participate.


Group Work Panel Audience


Breakout Sessions

Using Social Media (Grades K-8)

Presenter, Amanda Sanders

Students use social media in their personal lives every day. This session focuses on meaningful ways to engage with this form of literacy in the classroom. We will discuss everything from Twitter to Snapchat, and how you can use social media to gauge your students' learning and engagement.


Windows, Mirrors and Doors - Digital Story Telling, Looking Out and Looking Within (Grades 5-8)

Presenter, Katy Brock

Teachers looking to teach about social justice don’t need to look far to find something that requires change. Many students are subjected daily to a list of social injustices and they would be more than willing to tell about any of them. We, as teachers, need to be able to teach these students to intelligently, pointedly, and successfully craft social change through awareness, putting pen to paper, and ultimately by taking action.


The Wyoming Writing Project (all teachers)

Presenter, Amy Spiker and Tia Frahm

The University of Wyoming is home to a local site of the National Writing Project. The Wyoming Writing Project serves the teachers of the state by following the core belief that all teachers are writers and teachers of writers. This workshop will begin with an individual writing activity followed by a group conversation about writing in all contents and classrooms. Practical writing ideas and tips will be shared. Most importantly, participants will also learn about the work of the Wyoming Writing Project, including an opportunity to attend the Wyoming Writing Project Invitational Summer Institute in 2016.


We Are Wyoming: An Exhibit of Documentation from a Statewide, Arts-integrated Unit about Wyoming for Fourth Graders

Presenter, Allen Trent and Peter Moran

In this breakout, we’ll share an exhibit highlighting an arts-integrated unit we taught to approximately 700 fourth graders around the state of Wyoming during the 2014-2015 school year. The unit was called We Are Wyoming: A Study of Wyoming Counties, Landscapes, People, Artists, and Ways of Life. The exhibit includes students’ work, unit lesson plans, and instructional materials as well as an overview of the themes and findings that resulted from analysis of student work samples and our field notes. Participants will view the exhibit and participate in an informal discussion. 


Using Apps and iPads with Middle School Students (Grades 5-8)

Presenter, Ann Van Wig

Apple is everywhere!  Schools invest in iPads in hopes of increasing student engagement and improving student achievement.  But, how often do these iPads come out of the cart?  This session will bring the iPads out of the cart and highlight apps appropriate for middle school students.  iPad will be used to conduct the session and additional content apps will be reviewed.  Bring your own device or use an iPad we will provide.


Using LEGO Blocks in Task-Based Learning for English as a Second Language Learners (Grades 6-8)

Presenter, Marian Stordahl

The role of this task-based activity is to provide learners with opportunities to use the target language contextually, and to explore the target language through situational activities.


Ann Session Allen Trent Breakourseesion


Literacy Education Conference, 2011


Saturday, October 1, 2011
Keynote Address
Richard L Allington - What Really Matters for Developing Readers.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011
David Kirp - Waaay Past No Child Left Behind A Kids First Agenda 1



Friday, September 30, 2011
David Kirp - Waaay Past No Child Left Behind A Kids First Agenda 2



Literacy Education Conference, 2010



Saturday, September 25, 2010
Louise Jennings - Becoming/Being a Teacher Researcher



Friday, September 24, 2010
P. David Pearson - Rich talk about text

Contact Us

UW Literacy Research Center and Clinic

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-3156


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