Teacher tutoring students with wording: Literacy Research Center & Clinic K-12 Schools

Literacy Research Center & Clinic

About Us | Tutoring | Research | K-12 Schools | Conferences & Events | Literacy Programs | Awards & Grants | Resources

Working with k-12 school districts throughout Wyoming to increase literacy


The UW Literacy Research Center and Clinic (LRCC) serves as the epicenter for disseminating literacy knowledge and evidence-based practices in Wyoming, offering professional development for practicing teachers, a clinical setting for preparing pre-service teacher candidates, and cutting-edge research conducted by faculty and graduate students on literacy education. Statewide engagement is the thread that runs through all that we do.

The center provides programs, university programs, conferences, and educational opportunities to strengthen their capacity to teach literacy effectively to students of all ages and levels. LRCC provides practicum opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students and partners with educational organizations across Wyoming— with more partnerships in the works—including school districts, statewide educational organizations that support libraries, child development centers, and individual students, teachers, and schools.

Interested in working with us?

1st: Please email us, LRCC@uwyo.edu

2nd: The LRCC Selection and Reporting Committee will review the proposal to determine match to the LRCC’s mission and vision, as well as the availability of personnel and material resources. Please note that all projects must be supported by a University of Wyoming faculty member.

3rd: Proposals will be reviewed two times each year:

  • Fall deadline is the end of the first week of October.
  • Spring/Summer deadline is the end of the third week of February.

4th: Proposal initiators will be informed of a final decision within 6 weeks of submission.


Number of school districts and centers participating in professional development


Educators participating in distance-based or technology-mediated professional development


Contact Us


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(307) 766-3156

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Facebook: @uwlrcc
Twitter: @uwlrcc