Contact Us

Dr. Jeffrey L Beck

Dept of Ecosystem Science and Management

Agriculture Building 2004

Department #3354

1000 E. University Ave

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-6683

Fax: (307) 766-6403


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Dr. Jeffrey L. Beck

Ecosystem Science and Management

Identifying Habitats for Greater Sage-Grouse Population Persistence within the Atlantic Rim, Wyoming

Sage grouse

Chris P. Kirol - Outstanding Thesis AwardChris Kirol poses with Jeff Beck after winning the Outstanding MS Thesis award from UW.
M.S. Student: Christopher, P. Kirol

Project Description: Landscapes undergoing intensive energy extraction activities present challenges to the persistence of wildlife populations. Persistence is compromised when source habitats are lost or fragmented, reducing the overall ability of populations to survive and reproduce within landscapes influenced by energy development. In spring 2008, the University of Wyoming began a cooperative study with Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, the Rawlins, Wyoming BLM Field Office, and Wyoming Game and Fish Department to initiate a research program to identify nesting and brood-rearing habitats within the Atlantic Rim Project Area (ARPA) that are crucial for greater sage-grouse population (Centrocercus urophasianus) persistence. The ARPA is currently undergoing rapid development of coalbed methane resources underlying sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) habitats used by an abundant population of sage-grouse. In our study, we are using radio-marked female sage-grouse to link population performance parameters with habitat conditions within the Atlantic Rim. Our approach to identifying areas important to population persistence includes linking the occurrence of sage-grouse in habitats with population fitness. Linking resources to both animal occurrence and population fitness is necessary to understand and manage for population persistence. To reach our objectives, we will generate probability-of-occurrence maps, identify source habitats through seasonal risk-assessment modeling, and identify areas of critical-conservation-concern across the project area. We monitor radio-marked female sage-grouse within the ARPA and also in a control area, with no development located southwest of Baroil, Wyoming. We are actively quantifying macro- and micro-habitat selection, nest success, brood production and survival, and adult female survival in each study area for use in modeling. We have formed a partnership with a doctoral study at Utah State University to obtain estimates of ravens and raptors within our study area to evaluate the influence of avian predators on sage-grouse nest success and brood productivity.

Contact Us

Dr. Jeffrey L Beck

Dept of Ecosystem Science and Management

Agriculture Building 2004

Department #3354

1000 E. University Ave

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-6683

Fax: (307) 766-6403


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