Ecosystem Science and Management

Student Learning Outcomes


Oral Communication

Oral communication is considered to be a core aspect of employability, and involves informing, persuading, creating understanding, and building consensus.

Examples of oral communication include:

  • Group and individual presentation

  • Project defenses

  • Small group discussions

  • Role-playing

  • Debates

  • Interviews

A proficient oral communicator is able to:

  • Organize messages

  • Compose and deliver messages

  • Acknowledge opinions and differences

  • Paraphrase information and opposing points

  • Demonstrate understanding and use of listening behaviors

  • Phrase questions to obtain information

  • Use communication skills

Written Communication

All ESM graduates should be able to produce written documents that are organized, coherent, technically free of grammatical errors, varied in sentence structure and vocabulary, and with appropriate citation and use of sources.

Examples of different writing types include:

  • Academic essays

  • Annotated bibliography

  • Comparative analysis

  • Literature review

  • Research paper

  • Rhetorical analysis

A proficient written communicator is able to write in a variety of styles with:

  • No errors in grammar, spelling, and syntax

  • Appropriate support of arguments and ideas

  • Logically organized information

  • Appropriate writing style

  • Appropriate use of sentence structure and vocabulary

  • Analysis that demonstrates superior understanding of topic concepts

  • Correct use of sources and citations

Professional Behavior

Professional behavior can be demonstrated when following standards of good practice when serving the needs of others, as well as being accountable for choices made and subsequent consequences. Respect for peers, faculty, and supervisors in a professional setting, including the classroom, is expected from a professional.

Examples of settings in which to demonstrate professional behavior include:

  • Classroom

  • Peer meetings

  • Advising meetings

  • Meetings with professors

  • Presentations

Students proficient in demonstrating professional behavior are characterized by the following behaviors:

  • Completes tasks and responsibilities as assigned

  • Plans ahead to allow adequate time to complete assigned tasks and responsibilities.

  • Prioritizes workload

  • Punctual for scheduled responsibilities

  • Respectful when addressing others

  • Assumes personal responsibility for learning

  • Acknowledges personal strengths and weaknesses

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Critical thinking and problem solving are intellectually disciplined processes of actively and skillfully evaluating information and conceptualizing a solution, through tools including observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication.Critical thinking and problem solving skills should be demonstrated in all areas of academics.

Students with proficient critical thinking and problem solving skills demonstrate the following characteristics:

  • Accurately interprets evidence, statements, graphics, questions, etc.

  • Identifies relevant arguments (reasons, claims, pros and cons, etc.)

  • Analyzes and evaluates alternative points of view

  • Justifies key results or procedures and can fully explain assumptions and reasons

  • Fair-mindedly follows where evidence and reason lead

Computer and Information Literacy

Computer literacy does not mean that a person needs to know how to use every piece of software out there, but it does mean having some sort of level of comfort around computers. Further specialization of these skills increases students’ overall value to future employers. The ability to access a wide range of knowledge bases provides unlimited opportunities for learning.Computer and information literacy skills are widely used in all areas of academics.

Students proficient in computer and information literacy are characterized by the following:

  • Able to do more complicate word processing with no errors

  • Able to use attachments for emails and online course submissions

  • Regularly uses email for personal, course and other professional correspondence

  • Demonstrates awareness of virus protection


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