Professor Feldman's Publications


Searching for Truth that Speaks to Power: Free Speech and Equality on Campus, 73 Am. U. L. Rev. _ (forthcoming).

Saving the Supreme Court? Constitutional Rights and the Inevitability of Politics, _ Houston L. Rev. _ (forthcoming).

Free Speech, Social Justice, and Brandenburg, in “Fight Like Hell”: Free Speech and Incitement in the Twenty-First Century (Eric T. Kasper & JoAnne Sweeney eds., State University of New York Press, forthcoming).

Blinded by the White: The Nation’s Fatal Flaw, _ Cornell J. Law & Public Policy _ (forthcoming).

White Christian Nationalism Enters the Political Mainstream: Implications for the Roberts Court and Religious Freedom, 53 Seton Hall L. Rev. 667 (2023) (abstracted on the website Race, Racism, and the Law).

The Roberts Court’s Transformative Religious Freedom Cases: The Doctrine and the Politics of Grievance, 28 Cardozo J. of Equal Rights & Social Justice 507 (2022).

Court-Packing Time? Supreme Court Legitimacy and Positivity Theory, 68 Buffalo Law Review 1519 (2020). Westlaw

Free-Speech Formalism is Not Formal, 12 Drexel Law Review 723 (2020). Westlaw

Free-Speech Formalism and Social Injustice, 26 William & Mary Journal of Race, Gender and Social Justice 47 (2019). Westlaw

Broken Platforms, Broken Communities? Free Speech on Campus, 27 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 949 (2019). Lexis | WestlawInternet

Having Your Cake and Eating It Too? Religious Freedom and LGBTQ Rights, 9 Wake Forest Journal of Law and Policy 35 (2018). WestlawHein Online

The Politics of the Law-Politics Dichotomy, 33 BYU Journal of Public Law 15 (2018). Westlaw | Lexis

The Word That Cannot Be Spoken: Notes from the Jurisprudential Underground, 16 Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal 79 (2017). Westlaw | Hein Online

The Return of the Self, or Whatever Happened to Postmodern Jurisprudence, 9 Washington University Jurisprudence Review 267 (2017). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

Nothing New Under the Sun: The Law-Politics Dynamic in Supreme Court Decision Making, 2017 Pepperdine Law Review 43 (2017). (presented at Symposium on The Supreme Court, Politics, and Reform) Westlaw

Postmodern Free Expression: A Philosophical Rationale for the Digital Age, 100 Marquette Law Review 1123 (2017). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

The Return of the Self, or Whatever Happened to Postmodern Jurisprudence?, 9 Washington University Jurisprudence Review 267 (2017). Lexis | Hein Online

The Word that Cannot be Spoken: Notes From Jurisprudential Underground, _ Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal _ (forthcoming).

Missing the Point of the Past (and the Present) of Free Expression, 89 Temple Law Review Online 55 (2017). Westlaw

Can Law be a Source of Insight for Other Academic Disciplines?, 8 Washington University Jurisprudence Review 151 (2016). Westlaw | Hein Online

A Plea for Constitutional Balance, 68 Rutgers University Law Review Commentaries 12 (2016).

Is the Constitution Laissez-Faire? The Framers, Original Meaning, and the Market, 81 Brooklyn Law Review 1 (2015). Westlaw | Hein Online | Lexis

Fighting the Tofu: Law and Politics in Scholarship and Adjudication, 14 Cardozo Public Law, Policy and Ethics Journal 91 (2015). Westlaw | Hein Online | Lexis

(Same) Sex, Lies, and Democracy: Tradition, Religion and Substantive Due Process (With An Emphasis On Obergefell v. Hodges), 24 William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal 341 (2015). Westlaw | Hein Online | Lexis | Internet

The End of the Cold War: Can American Constitutionalism Survive Victory?, 41 Ohio Northern University Law Review 261 (2015). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online | Internet

Supreme Court Alchemy: Turning Law and Politics Into Mayonnaise, 12 Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy 57 (2014). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

Constitutional Interpretation and History: New Originalism or Eclecticism?, 28 BYU Journal of Public Law 283 (2014). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

The Interpretation of Constitutional History, or Charles Beard Becomes a Fortuneteller (With an Emphasis on Free Expression), 29 Constitutional Commentary 323 (2014). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

Chief Justice Roberts’s Marbury Moment: The Affordable Care Act Case (NFIB v. Sebelius), 13 Wyoming Law Review 335 (2013, presented as the Housel/Arnold Lecture). Lexis | Westlaw | Hein Online | Internet

Review of Steven K. Green, The Bible, the School, and the Constitution: The Clash that Shaped Modern Church-State Doctrine, 118 American Historical Review 526 (2013). Ebsco

Hate Speech and Democracy, 32 Criminal Justice Ethics 78 (2013). Taylor & Francis

Gary L. McDowell's The Language of Law and the Foundation of American Constitutionalism, 21 The Law and Politics Law Review 500 (2011, book review). Internet

Democracy and Dissent: Strauss, Arendt, and Voegelin in America, 89 Denver University Law Review 671 (2012) (in Symposium on Revolutions and Democratic Dissent). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

Do the Right Thing: Understanding the Interest-Convergence Thesis, 106 Northwestern University Law Review Colloquy 248 (2012). Westlaw | Lexis

Conservative Eras in Supreme Court Decision-Making: Employment Division V. Smith, Judicial Restraint, and Neoconservatism, 32 Cardozo Law Review 1791 (2011). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

Modernity, Religion and the Public Sphere, 45 Tulsa Law Review 845 (2010) (reviewing Steven H. Shiffrin, The Religious Left and Church-State Relations (2009) & Winnifred Fallers Sullivan, Prison Religion: Faith-Based Reform and the Constitution (2009). Westlaw | Lexis

Divided We Fall: Religion, Politics and the Lemon Entanglements Prong, 7 First Amendment Law Review 253 (2009). SSRN ǀ Westlaw | Lexis

Do Supreme Court Nominees Lie? The Politics of Adjudication, 18 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 17 (2008). SSRN ǀ Westlaw ǀ Lexis

Free Expression and Education: Between Two Democracies, 16 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 999 (2008). SSRN ǀ Hein Online ǀ Westlaw 

Free Speech, World War I, and Republican Democracy: the Internal and External Holmes, 6 First Amendment Law Review 192 (2008). SSRN ǀ Hein Online ǀ Westlaw 

Review of Owen M. Fiss, Troubled Beginnings of the Modern State, 1888 - 1910, 17 The Law and Politics Book Review 44 (January 2007). Internet

Empiricism, Religion and Judicial Decision Making, 15 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 43 (2006). SSRN ǀ Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw 

The Theory and Politics of First-Amendment Protections: Why Does the Supreme Court Favor Free Expression over Religious Freedom? 8 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 431 (2006). SSRN ǀ Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw 

Unenumerated Rights in Different Democratic Regimes, 9 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 47 (2006). SSRN ǀ Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw 

The Rehnquist Court and Religion, Wyoming Lawyer, Dec. 2005, at 30. Westlaw

The Rule of Law or the Rule of Politics?  Harmonizing the Internal and External Views of Supreme Court Decision Making, 30 Law & Social Inquiry: Journal of American Bar Foundation 89 (2005). SSRN ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw 

Review of Isaac Kramnick & R. Laurence Moore, The Godless Constitution: A Moral Defense of the Secular State, 15 The Law & Politics Book Rev. 1010 (November 2005). Internet

The Problem of Critique: Triangulating Habermas, Derrida, and Gadamer Within Metamodernism, 4 Contemporary Political Theory 296 (2005). ProQuest

Review of Mark Weitz, Clergy Malpractice in America: Nally v. Grace Community Church of the Valley, 46 American Journal of Legal History 84 (2004) (book review). Hein Online ǀ Westlaw 

The Transformation of an Academic Discipline: Law Professors in the Past and Future (or Toy Story Too), 54 Journal of Legal Education 471 (2004). SSRN ǀ Hein Online ǀ Westlaw 

History and Interpretation, 38 Tulsa Law Review 595 (2003) (in Symposium: The Scholarship of Sanford V. Levinson). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw

Religious Minorities and the First Amendment: The History, the Doctrine, and the Future, 6 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 222 (2003). SSRN ǀ Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw

An Arrow to the Heart: The Love and Death of Postmodern Legal Scholarship, 54 Vanderbilt Law Review 2351 (2001). SSRN ǀ Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw 

Critical Legal Theory, Tulsa Law Magazine, Summer 2000, at 8.  

How to Be Critical, 76 Chicago-Kent Law Review 893 (2000). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw 

Made for Each Other: The Interdependence of Deconstruction and Philosophical Hermeneutics, 26 Philosophy & Social Criticism 51 (2000). Sage

The Supreme Court in a Postmodern World: A Flying Elephant, 84 Minnesota Law Review 673 (2000). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw 

Playing With the Pieces: Postmodernism in the Lawyer's Toolbox, 85 Virginia Law Review 151 (1999). Hein Online ǀ JSTOR ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw 

Intellectual History in Detail, 26 Reviews Am. Hist. 737 (1998) (reviewing N.E.H. Hull, Roscoe Pound and Karl Llewellyn: Searching for an American Jurisprudence (1997)). Reviews in American History  

From Premodern to Modern American Jurisprudence: The Onset of Positivism, 50 Vanderbilt Law Review 1387 (1997). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw 

Politics of Postmodern Jurisprudence, 95 Michigan Law Review 166 (1996). Hein Online ǀ JSTOR ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw 

Principle, History, and Power:  The Limits of the First Amendment Religion Clause, 81 Iowa Law Review 833 (1996). Hein Online ǀ Lexis | Westlaw 

Diagnosing Power: Postmodernism in Legal Scholarship and Judicial Practice (With an Emphasis on the Teague Rule Against New Rules in Habeas Corpus Cases), 88 Northwestern University Law Review 1046 (1994). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw 

Persistence of Power and the Struggle for Dialogic Standards in Postmodern Constitutional Jurisprudence : Michelman, Habermas, and Civic Republicanism, 81 Georgetown Law Journal 2243 (1993). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw 

Republic Revival/Interpretive Turn, 1992 Wisconsin Law Review 679 (1992). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw 

Whose Common Good? Racism in the Political Community, 80 Georgetown Law Journal 1835 (1992). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw

An Interpretation of Max Weber's Theory of Law: Metaphysics, Economics and the Iron Cage of Constitutional Law, 16 Law & Social Inquiry 205 (1991). Hein Online ǀ JSTOR 

The New Metaphysics: The Interpretive Turn in Jurisprudence, 76 Iowa Law Review 661 (1991). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw 

Exposing Sunstein's Naked Preferences, 1989 Duke Law Journal 1335 (1989). Hein Online ǀ JSTOR ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw 

Felix S. Cohen and His Jurisprudence: Reflections on Federal Indian Law, 35 Buffalo Law Review 479 (1986). Hein Online 

Preemption and the Dormant Commerce Clause: Implications for Federal Indian Law, 64 Oregon Law Review 667 (1986). Hein Online 

Indigents in the Federal Courts:  The In Forma Pauperis Statute-Equality and Frivolity, 54 Fordham Law Review 413 (1985). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw 

Scope of Judicial Review: Extreme Hardship and the Whipsaw of Illegal Aliens, 36 Administrative Law Review 27 (1984). Hein Online 

Comment, The Developing Test for State Regulatory Jurisdiction in Indian Country: Application in the Context of Environmental Law, 61 Oregon Law Review 561 (1982). Hein Online   


Pack the Court! A Defense of Supreme Court Expansion (Temple University Press, 2021) Amazon

The New Roberts Court, Donald Trump, and Our Failing Constitution (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017). Amazon

Neoconservative Politics and the Supreme Court: Law, Power, and Democracy (New York University Press, 2013). Google Books

Free Expression and Democracy in America: A History (University of Chicago Press, 2008). (American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression Book of the Month - January 2009; First Amendment Center/National Archives Book Forum Selection, May 2009). Google Books

American Legal Thought from Premodernism to Postmodernism: An Intellectual Voyage (Oxford University Press 2000) (finalist for 2001 Oklahoma Book Award; translated into Japanese). Google Books

Law and Religion: A Critical Anthology (Stephen M. Feldman ed., New York University Press 2000). Google Books

Please Don't Wish Me a Merry Christmas: A Critical History of the Separation of Church and State (New York University Press 1997) (awarded the Josephine Yalch Zekan Prize). Google Books

Book Chapters

The History, Philosophy, and Law of Free Expression in the United States: Implications for the Digital Age, in Speech and Society in the Digital Age (Nicole Stremlau & Monroe Price eds., Cambridge University Press (tentative), forthcoming).

Brown v. Board of Education for Topeka, in Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (Rainer Grote, Rüdiger Wolfrum, & Frauke Lachenmann eds., 2017).

Free Speech and Free Press, in Oxford Handbook on the United States Constitution (Mark Tushnet, Sanford Levinson, & Mark Graber eds., Oxford University Press, 2017).

Freedom of Speech, in Encyclopedia of American Governance (Stephen L. Schechter ed., Macmillan, forthcoming).

Prior Restraints, in Encyclopedia of American Governance (Stephen L. Schechter ed., Macmillan, forthcoming).

Great Expectations: Antisemitism and the Politics of Free-Speech Jurisprudence, in Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity 291 (Charles A. Small ed., Koninklijke Brill NV, 2013). ISGAP

Postmodernism and Law, in Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History (Stanley N. Katz ed., Oxford University Press, 2009). Amazon

The Bad Tendency Test, in Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties 96 (Paul Finkelman ed., Routledge, 2006). Google Books

Religious Symbols on Public Property, in Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties 1312 (Paul Finkelman ed., Routledge, 2006). Google Books

Jews in the United States, in Encyclopedia of Religious Freedom 235 (Catharine Cookson et al. eds., Berkshire/Routledge Publishing, 2003). Google Books

History and Law, in The Oxford Companion to American Law 361 (Kermit L. Hall ed., Oxford University Press, 2002). Google Books

A Christian America and the Separation of Church and State, in Law and Religion: A Critical Anthology 261 (Stephen M. Feldman ed., New York University Press 2000). Google Books

Critical Questions in Law and Religion: An Introduction, in Law and Religion: A Critical Anthology 1 (Stephen M. Feldman ed., New York University Press 2000). Google Books

Popular Media

Interview (by email) with Jayla Whitfield-Anderson, Yahoo News 360: On Court packing, leading to article: Should the Supreme Court be Expanded? Calls to Pack the Court Grow After Recent SCOTUS Rulings (July 11, 2023).

Interview with Molly Burke, Medill News Service, Northwestern University: Discussion of Supreme Court Expansion and its Likely Repercussions (April 20, 2023).

Interview with Newsweek reporter, Khaleda Rahman: Implications of Transgender Women Joining Sororities (April 20, 2023).

Television Interview on Freethought Matters TV Show, with Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor: Discussion of the Supreme Court, Political Conservatism, and Court Packing (November 5, 2021).

Discussion of Court Packing and Religious Freedom: Freethought Radio and Podcast, interview with Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor (October 21, 2021).

Author Spotlight: Stephen M. Feldman Makes the Case for Packing the Court: D.C. Bar Blog, interview with Jeremy Conrad (Oct. 8, 2021). D.C. Bar Blog 

Discussion of Court Packing: radio interview, The Michelangelo Signorile Show (Sept. 23, 2021).

The Case for Court Packing as a Way to Promote Democracy: radio interview with Michel Martin, All Things Considered, NPR (Sept. 5, 2021). NPR Interview 

Podcast Interview on Pack the Court, Temple University Press Podcast (Sept. 3, 2021).

Trump’s Supreme Court Just Showed Why Court-Packing is Necessary to Save U.S. Democracy: interview with Amanda Marcotte, (Aug. 27, 2021).

Podcast Interview on Court Packing: Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen (August 19, 2021).

Democrats Should Pack the Court (August 12, 2021)

The Top Five Reasons to Pack the Supreme Court (August 11, 2021) North Philly Notes

Review of Steven K. Green, The Bible, the School, and the Constitution: The Clash that Shaped Modern Church-State Doctrine, 118 American Historical Rev. 526 (2013). American Historical Review

What I’m Reading (discussing Ann Patchett’s Magician’s Assistant):  In Relation to the Publication of Neoconservative Politics and the Supreme Court:  Law, Power, and Democracy (New York University Press, 2013), posted on Writers Read, and Campaign for the American Reader (November 28, 2012). Internet

Supreme Court Health Care Ruling Decision: Did NFIB v. Sebelius Betray Conservative Principles?, posted on From the Square (N.Y.U. Press blog) (July 2, 2012). Internet

The Matrix: Democracy and Free Expression (in Three Dimensions), posted on Balkinization (January 19, 2010). Internet

History, Neoconservatism, and Citizens United, guest blog for Balkinization, (January 2010).

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