Professor Kalen's Publications


Sam Kalen, Refining Statutory Construction: Contextualization & Deference, U.N.H. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2023) 

Sam Kalen, Public Land Management's Future Place: Envisioning a Paradigm Shift, 82 Maryland. L. Rev. 240 (2023) 

Sam Kalen, Rekindling Yellowstone’s Early History: 150 Years Later, 22 Wyo. L. Rev. 217 (2022) Wyoming Law Review

Sam Kalen, Mining Our Future Critical Minerals: Does Darkness Wait Us?, 51 Envtl. L. Rep. 11006 (2021) Environmental Law Reporter

Sam Kalen, with Tara Righetti, Robert B. Keiter, Jason Robison, and Temple Stoellinger, Unbecoming Adversaries: Natural Resources Federalism in Wyoming, 21 Wyo. L. Rev. 290 (2021) (wrote the section on Tribal Reserved Hunting Rights on Federal Land: From Race Horse to Herrera) Wyoming Law Review

A Bridge to Nowhere? Our Energy Transition and the Natural Gas Pipeline Wars, 9 Michigan Journal of Environmental & Administrative Law 319 (2020). Westlaw

NEPA's Trajectory: Our Waning Environmental Charter from Nixon to Trump?, 30 Environmental Law Reporter News and Analysis 10398 (2020). Lexis | Westlaw

Sam Kalen & Shi-Ling Hsu, Natural Gas Infrastructure: Locking in Emissions?, 34 Natural Resources and Environment 3 (2020). Westlaw

Sam Kalen & Steven Weissman, The Electric Grid Confronts the Dormant Commerce Clause, 45 Ecology Law Currents 132 (2018). Internet

Historical Flow of Hydroelectric Regulation: A Brief History, 53 Idaho Law Review 1 (2017). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

Muddling Through Modern Energy Policy: The Dormant Commerce Clause and Unmasking the Illusion of an Attleboro Line, 24 NYU Environmental Law Journal 283 (2016). Westlaw | Hein Online

Policing Federal Supremacy: Preemption and Common Law Damage Claims as a Ceiling to the Clean Air Act Regulatory Floor, 68 Florida Law Review 1597 (2016).  Westlaw Hein Online

Book Review, Reclaiming Accountability: Transparency, Executive Power, and the U.S. Constitution, 44 International Journal of Legal Information 62 (2016).  Cambridge | Lexis

An Essay: An Aspirational Right to a Healthy Environment? 34 UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 156 (2016). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

Transmission and Transport of Energy in the Western U.S. and Canada: A Law and Policy Road Map, Essay, Avoidably Lost: Evolving the Reasonable Use Standard to Reduce Natural Gas Flaring, 52 Idaho Law  Review 387 (2016). Hein Online | Lexis

The Death of Administrative Common Law or the Rise of the Administrative Procedure Act, 68 Rutgers University Law Review 605 (2016). Westlaw | Hein Online | Internet

Dormant Commerce Clause's Aging Burden, 49 Valparaiso University Law Review 723 (2015). Westlaw | Lexis | Internet

Landscape Shifting Paradigm for the Endangered Species Act: An Integrated Critical Habitat Recovery Program, 55 Natural Resources Journal 47 (2014). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

Dormancy Versus Innovation: A Next Generation Dormant Commerce Clause, 65 Oklahoma Law Review 381 (2013). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

Coal's Plateau and Energy Horizon?, 34 Public Land & Resources Law Review 145 (2013). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

Thirst for Oil and the Keystone XL Pipeline, 46 Creighton Law Review 1 (2012). Westlaw | Hein Online | Lexis

Expanding the Federal Common Law?: From Nomos & Physis and Beyond, 96 Marquette Law Review 517 (Winter 2012). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

Cruise Control and Speed Bumps: Energy Policy and Limits for Outer Continental Shelf Leasing, 7 Environmental & Energy Law & Policy Journal 155 (2012). Westlaw | Hein Online | Lexis

Guidance Documents and the Court, 57 Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute 5-1 (2011). Westlaw

Federal Administrative Procedure Act Claims: The Tenth Circuit and the Wyoming District Court Should Fix the Confusion Attendant with Local Rule 83.7.2, 11 Wyoming Law Review 513 (2011). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

Ecology Comes of Age: NEPA's Lost Mandate, 21 Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum 113 (Fall 2010). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

Sam Kalen & Steven Weissman, Where Next, for National Renewable Energy Policy? A.B.A. Energy Committees Newsletter (Vol. 8, No. 1, December 2010). ABA (pdf)

Agriculture, Food and Environmental Policy, 26 Natural Resources & Environment 3 (2011). Westlaw | Hein Online

Sam Kalen, Ryan M. Seidemann, James G. Wilkins & Megan K. Terrell, Lingering Relevance of the Coastal Zone Management Act to Energy Development in our Nation's Coastal Waters? 24 Tulane Environmental Law Journal 73 (2010). Westlaw | Hein Online | Lexis

The BP Macondo Well Exploration Plan: Wither the Coastal Zone Management Act? 40 Environmental Law Reporter News & Analysis 11079 (2010). Westlaw | Lexis

The APA's Influence on the Development of the National Environmental Policy Act, 23 Natural Resources & Environment 3 (2009). Hein Online ǀ Westlaw

The Devolution of NEPA: How the APA Transformed the Nation's Environmental Policy, 33 William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 483 (2009). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw    

The Transformation of Modern Administrative Law: Changing Administrations and Environmental Guidance Documents, 35 Ecology Law Quarterly 657 (2008). Internet ǀ Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw  

Changing Administrations and Environmental Guidance Documents, 23 Natural Resources & Environment 13 (2008). Hein Online ǀ Westlaw    

Is "Significant Nexus" Really Significant?: The Fate of Justice Kennedy's Concurrence in Rapanos, 22 Natural Resources & Environment 9 (2007). Hein Online ǀ Westlaw    

The Coastal Zone Management Act of Today: Does Sustainability Have a Chance?, 15 Southeastern Environmental Law Journal 191 (2006). Hein Online | Lexis

Replacing a National Energy Policy With a National Resource Policy, 19 Natural Resources & Environment 9 (2005). Hein Online ǀ Westlaw    

An 1872 Mining Law for the New Millennium, 71 University of Colorado Law Review 343 (2000). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw    

Sam Kalen and Jonathan Turner, No Relief for Landowners: 7th Circuit Bars Recovery of Cleanup Costs Incurred After Filing RCRA Suit, LEGAL TIMES, May 24, 1999, at S32.    

Sam Kalen and Jonathan Simon, No-Standing Zone Deters Citizen Suits, National Law Journal, Dec. 1998, at B5.

Passive Migration: A Limit to Liability, 14 Environmental Compliance and Litigation Strategy 4 (1998).

Sam Kalen and Paul Turner, Takings and Beyond: Implications for Regulation, 19 Energy Law Journal 25 (1998). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw    

Standing On Its Last Legs: Bennet v. Spear and the Past and Future of Standing in Environmental Cases, 13 Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law 1 (1997). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw    

Where Do We Go from Here?: The Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act - Past, Present and Future, 98 West Virginia Law Review 1023 (1996). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw    

Commerce to Conservation: The Call for a National Water Policy and the Evolution of Federal Jurisdiction Over Wetlands, 69 North Dakota Law Review 873 (1993). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw 

The Endangered Species Act: Unlawful Takings and an Incidental Take Permit, reprinted in Waterpower, Vol. 1, at 420 (1993).

Reawakening the Dormant Commerce Clause in its First Century, 13 University of Dayton Law Review 417 (1988). Hein Online ǀ Westlaw    

Comment, Durational Residency Requirements and the Equal Protection Clause: Zobel v. Williams, 25 Washington University Journal of Urban and Contemporary Law 329 (1983). Hein Online   

Books and Contributions to Books

Mark Squillace and Sam Kalen, Climate Change and Public Natural Resources, in Global Climate Change and U.S. Law (eds. Michael B. Gerrard, Jody Freeman & Michael Burger, 3d Ed. 2023)

Sam Kalen, with Robert R. Nordhaus, Energy Follies: Missteps, Fiascos, and Successes of America’s Energy Policy (Cambridge University Press 2018). Cambridge

Sam Kalen, Marbury v. Madison, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (MPECCoL), No. 557 (2016).

James Rasband, James Salzman, Mark Squillace and Sam Kalen, Natural Resources Law and Policy (Foundation Press 3d ed., 2016). West

Sam Kalen and Murray Feldman, Endangered Species Act: Basic Practice Series (ABA 2d ed., 2012). ABA

The Dormant Commerce Clause and the Environment, in Principles of Constitutional Environmental Law (J. May, ed., ABA/ELI, 2011). ABA

Note on Sosna v. Iowa, 419 U.S. 393 (1975), in Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States (2008). Google Books

An Overview of Section 10, reprinted in Endangered Species Act: Law, Policy and Perspective (Baur & Irvin, eds. 2002). Google Books

Other Publications

Sam Kalen, The Deceptively Complex Concept of Final Agency Action, Written Paper, Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation Special Institute, Sept. 2016, Westminster, CO.

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