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Overview of Review Process

The Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (AVPUE) oversees and coordinates program review on behalf of the Provost, except in the case of interdisciplinary graduate programs, in which case oversight and coordination lies with the Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Education. College and School deans, as applicable, hold primary responsibly for working with the Associate Vice Provosts to schedule reviews and for seeing that a high-quality review is carried out.

The department faculty has responsibility for producing a self-study prior to a visit from an external review team. The Provost will appoint the external review team in consultation with the relevant dean and department head.

It is the responsibility of the Office of the Provost to track program review status by academic department. The AVPUE will maintain a schedule for reviews that is staggered to assure that colleges are not burdened with an inordinate number of reviews in any given year. The AVPUE will provide deans and program directors with at least annual summaries of which departmental reviews are upcoming, due, and/or past due. The Office of the Provost will also serve as the repository for all material related to program review. Summary information regarding program reviews will be reported annually

The Provost’s Office will maintain the following data:

  • A list of departmental reviews that were completed in the prior year.

  • Copies of the external review team’s report, the program’s response and the self-study.

  • A list of departments and programs that are due for the one-year follow up

  • An up-to-date list of reviews of any programs that were identified as low-producing in the prior year.

  • A list of all department reviews that are at the five-year mark or later in the 7-year cycle, including confirmation that the review has been charged, a status update on the self-study, the review committee’s progress, and the expected submission date for the review committee’s report to the dean and the timeline for the dean’s final summary.

Relationship of Institutional Program Review to Proposals for New Programs or Program Restructuring

In general, proposals for new degree programs will only be approved for submission when a recent institutional review is available to provides context for the implementation of the new program. Exceptions to this requirement may be made as the new institutional process is implemented. The proposing unit should also be prepared to provide a rationale for existing degrees in their unit that are low-producing as part of any request for adding degree programs.

Contact Us

Office of Academic Affairs

1000 E. University Ave

Old Main 312

Laramie, WY 82070

Phone: 3077664286


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