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Paddington Hodza, Faculty Fellow

paddington_hodzaPaddington Hodza is a Senior Research Scientist at WyGISC. His research interests broadly lie in spatial data science, unmanned aerial systems (UAS), multimodal GIS education, positivity GIS, and geovisualization areas. Paddington is a certified GIS Professional, licensed FAA Drone Pilot, Leadership Wyoming alumnus and recipient of Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship. He has served and continues to serve on many internal and external committees and task forces. He was elected to the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science Board of Directors for a three-year term beginning in 2019 and serves on UCGIS Education Committee and University of Wyoming Faculty Senate. His Faculty Fellow Program project seeks to uncover what works to enhance and improve equity in faculty searches at UW. Expected project findings have potential to strengthen faculty knowledge, skills, and abilities to conduct fair, open and inclusive searches.

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Office of Academic Affairs

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