Transferring Credits to the University of Wyoming

Transfer STudent Admissions

At UW we want to make transferring your credits as easy as possible. Generally, all college-level courses from regionally accredited colleges and universities will transfer to UW, while remedial courses and most vocational courses will not. Your college grade point average prior to attending UW will determine whether or not you are admissible and will be used for scholarship decisions. After you have completed your transfer, your UW GPA will be based solely on your UW courses.

Your UW department will determine the acceptance of transfer courses towards your specific major and decide whether courses with "D" grades will count toward completing your degree requirements. If you're transferring to UW from one of Wyoming's community colleges, common course numbering for similar freshman and sophomore courses makes it easy to see exactly how your courses will apply toward a UW degree program.


Wyoming Transfer Catalog

The Wyoming Transfer Catalog can also assist with your unofficial transfer credit evaluation.

Degree Plans

Our degree plans can help you plan today for your future at UW!


Will the type of my previous school affect how my credits transfer?

Two-year Transfer Institutions


From a Wyoming Community College

As part of an articulation agreement between UW and the Wyoming community colleges, all courses are reviewed by the combined faculties to determine if a community college course is acceptable in transfer to UW. Wyoming uses a common course numbering system; with few exceptions, commonly-numbered courses are accepted as direct equivalents to UW and, if applicable, carry the same University Studies Program (USP) credit. For courses which are acceptable in transfer but not given direct equivalency to UW courses, general elective credit (and USP credit when warranted) is given. Advisers have the authority to substitute general elective courses for major requirements when appropriate.

Out-of-State Community Colleges

Credit awarded by regionally accredited two-year institutions is considered for transfer to UW. Courses of a vocational-technical nature and developmental courses will typically not be accepted. All other coursework will be reviewed on a course-by-course basis. The Office of the Registrar will review course descriptions from the awarding school's catalogue and render one of the following decisions: make the course equivalent to a UW course (with USP credit, if appropriate), make the course a general elective transfer course (with USP credit, if appropriate), or determine the course is not acceptable for transfer. Advisers have the authority to revise articulations for courses within their departments and substitute general elective courses for major requirements if appropriate. Additionally, students may use the USP petition process to attempt to have a transfer course count for a USP requirement. In rare instances, a course from a two-year school may be substituted for an upper-division UW requirement.


Four-year Transfer Institutions


From a College/University

Credit awarded by regionally accredited four-year institutions is considered for transfer to UW. Courses of a vocational-technical nature and developmental courses will typically not be accepted. All other coursework will be reviewed on a course-by-course basis. The Office of the Registrar will review course descriptions for lower-division courses from the awarding school's catalogue and render one of the following decisions: make the course equivalent to a UW course (with USP credit, if appropriate), make the course a general elective transfer course (with USP credit, if appropriate), or determine the course is not acceptable for transfer. Advisers have the authority to revise articulations for courses within their departments and substitute general elective courses for major requirements as appropriate. Additionally, students may use the USP petition process to attempt to have a transfer course count for a USP requirement. All articulations for upper-division courses are made by the departmental faculty. Unless previously articulated, these courses will initially be given upper-division general elective transfer credit, the adviser may substitute courses as appropriate. Transcripts for students pursuing a second bachelor's degree or an advanced degree are reviewed by the student's adviser who informs the Office of the Registrar what courses are applicable to the UW degree program.


International Transfer Institutions


The UW Admissions Office will conduct the initial review of international transcript. If the school's catalogue is not available online, students will need to provide course descriptions and/or syllabi for faculty review. For schools where English is not the primary language, third-party translations must be provided. The Office of the Registrar will distribute the course information to the appropriate faculty and award credit in accordance with the faculty's evaluation.


Trade & Technical Schools


UW accepts credit from regionally accredited institutions. Often trade/technical schools do not have this level of accreditation. For those that are accredited, credit is given on a course-by-course basis. Courses which parallel UW courses will be considered for credit and courses of a developmental or vocational-technical nature will not typically be accepted.


Quarter vs. Semester System Schools


Following the national standard for calculating credit hours, there is a one-third reduction in hours when converting quarter hour to semester hour equivalents. Because of this, courses which come in with fewer hours than similar UW courses are often not given direct equivalencies. Further, it may take three quarter system courses to equal a two semester course sequence.


Military Experience & Schools

UW will review American Council on Education-issued military training transcripts for credit on a course-by-course basis. Formal training courses with ACE recommended credit in subjects paralleling UW courses will be considered for credit. Credit will not be given for on-the-job (experiential) training or short courses not included in the formal training section of the transcript. Credit earned through accredited military schools (service academies, Defense Language Institute, or Community College of the Air Force) are reviewed following the same procedures as traditional two/four year institutions. View courses.

How will my transcripts be evaluated?

It is advised that you submit your transcripts from all other colleges and universities attended to UW as soon as possible. Evaluation of your transfer credit may take some time. Remember, your credits ae not evaluated until your admission file is complete and an admissions decision has been made. After each transcript is evaluated by the Office of the Registrar you will receive an email confirmation with instructions on how to log into your WyoRecords through WyoWeb to review your transfer credits. More information can be found at the UW Registrar’s Office.

Questions? Feel free to contact us at (307) 766-5160 or

Contact Us

Office of Admissions | Knight Hall 150
1000 E. University Avenue
Department 3435
Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5160
Toll-Free: (800) 342-5996
Fax: (307) 766-4042

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