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Agricultural & Applied Economics

University of Wyoming

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-2386


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Degree Option Worksheets

Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics

Below are links to our degree option worksheets.

The worksheets explain what courses our program requires to graduate in a B.S. of Agricultural Business with an option in Agribusiness, Farm and Ranch Management, Livestock Business Management, or International Agriculture. The student chooses the appropriate worksheet based upon their option and the year they started either at UW or a Community College in the State. Since courses change, availability changes, and new courses and options are developed there are some small differences in options from one year to the next. 

The requirements laid out the year they start is what the student can expect to get through our program. Online we have the latest worksheets (starting in 2010). If you started before 2010 and want a copy of an earlier version please contact the department and let us know when you started at UW or a Wyoming Community College.

The worksheets are structured to allow the student to track their progress both for the general education requirements outlined in the University Studies program (USP2003) and our program requirements for each option. It also allows students to compare across different options.

The worksheets are divided into two components on the main page. The left side covers the USP requirements with some added or modified Agricultural Business requirements that fit USP. The right side are AGEC requirements with electives.

Students need 121 credits to graduate, of which 48 credit hours are upper division (3000 to 4000 level courses) and 21 credit hours in our AGEC courses. Other categories include College of Business courses, College of Agriculture courses, and others.

For specific requirements see the relevant worksheet:




Ag Bus - Ag Business Management, 4-yr plan, 2016-17.pdf

Ag Bus Option Checklist 2015.pdf

Ag Bus Option Checklist 2010.xlsx

Ag Bus Option Checklist 2010.pdf

Farm and Ranch Management

Farm and Ranch Management, 4-yr plan, 2016-17.pdf

Farm and Ranch Option Checklist 2015.pdf

Farm and Ranch Option Checklist 2011.xlsx

Farm and Ranch Option Checklist 2011.pdf

Livestock Business Management

Livestock Business Management Option, 4-yr plan, 2016-17.pdf

Livestock Business Management w/ Minor, 4-yr plan, 2016-17.pdf

Livestock Business Management Option Checklist  2015.pdf

Livestock Business Management Option Checklist  2012.xlsx

Livestock Business Management Option Checklist  2012.pdf

International Agriculture

International Ag Option, 4-yr plan, 2016-17.pdf

International Ag Option Checklist 2015.pdf

International Ag Option Checklist 2010.xlsx

International Ag Option Checklist 2010.pdf

Contact Us

Agricultural & Applied Economics

University of Wyoming

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-2386


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