Contact Us

    Art and Art History Program

    Department of Visual & Literary Arts

    Visual Arts Building, Room 110

    Hours: 8 am - 5 pm (Academic Year)

    7:30 am - 4:30 pm (Summer)

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Dept. 3138

    Laramie, WY 82070

    Phone: (307) 766-3269


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    Frequently a culminating experience for art majors is ART 4400 Internship. This component is designed to provide Art and Art History Program majors with an educational experience that will integrate theoretical ideas, gained from the art program into practice. During an Art Internship placement, the art major may practice and test knowledge gained in the classroom as well as learn how knowledge and expertise from studio, design and art history are applied in the work site. An Art Iinternship placement is designed to provide art majors with the opportunity to develop competencies that are necessary to assume professional responsibilities in public, private, corporate, community, and/or academic settings. The Art Internship should help students meet their professional goals. 


    The following items are principles and guidelines that you should consider when selecting and planning your internship:

    1.   The student will play an active role in selecting the internship site.

    2.   The student will play an active role in planning the internship experience.

    3.   The student will select the internship site based on their professional goals.

    4.   The internship should meet the "real" needs of the agency in terms of needs assessment, 
          program planning, implementation, and evaluation.

    5.   The internship should be designed to provide the student with a wide variety of opportunities
          and experiences that are reflective of actual responsibilities of art professionals.

    6.   The internship will take place under the supervision and guidance of an individual who can 
          create learning experiences out of actual work situations.

    7.   The internship supervisor should be knowledgeable in the student's area of specialization.

    8.   Students will be evaluated in terms of their (a) increased understanding, knowledge, and 
          abilities specific to the internship and (b) contributions to the agency's program.


    Rules and Regulations for ART 4400 Internship


    • Students must be a junior level standing and a minimum of 12 hours in the major area are required for ART 4400 Internship.

    • Students must select the site for their Art Internship under the guidance of their advisor.

    • Students must submit the Academic Contract for ART 4400 Internship before the beginning of the semester or may not be permitted to enroll until the following semester.


    • Students wanting to enroll in ART 4400 Internship must acquire approval from their faculty sponsor, degree advisor or the Department Head.

    • Students must notifytheir faculty sponsor, degree advisor or the Department Head, if they decide to withdraw from the Internship Experience for any reason.

    • Each student interested in an Internship much complete an internship contract.


    Packets can be picked up in the Art and Art History Program office. For more information on internships: please contact the Art Office

    Internship Contract

    Internship Contract

    Internship Contract >
    Contact Us

    Art and Art History Program

    Department of Visual & Literary Arts

    Visual Arts Building, Room 110

    Hours: 8 am - 5 pm (Academic Year)

    7:30 am - 4:30 pm (Summer)

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Dept. 3138

    Laramie, WY 82070

    Phone: (307) 766-3269


    Find us on Instagram (Link opens a new window)Find us on Facebook (Link opens a new window)Find us on Twitter (Link opens a new window)Find us on LinkedIn (Link opens a new window)Find us on YouTube (Link opens a new window)