Opportunities For Engagement and Support

The Neltje Center and Jentel Artist Residency Program will be a centerpiece in the future of the College of Arts & Sciences, providing students many opportunities for growth and development. These iniatives will also represent many opportunities for community and student engagement, as well there being many chances to support and partner with the Neltje Center for Excellence in Creativity and the Arts.

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Opportunities for Expertise

Master Class Leader
The Neltje Center invites exceptional visual, literary, and performing artists and other creative professionals
to engage with the center as a Master Class Leader, a unique opportunity to collaborate with the center’s
executive committee on the content, duration, and audience for innovative educational opportunities. These
classes may be offered to undergraduate and graduate students, professional artists, or even a combination of audiences served by the center.

Creative Experience Leader
Creative experiences for students and community members will be a primary focus of the Neltje Center. We invite artists, designers, chefs, performers, writers, journalists, directors, and other creative individuals to engage with the center’s executive committee to design meaningful and engaging experiences and workshops,
collaborating on content, location, and audience.

Special Event Guest
A few times a year, the Neltje Center will hold events to increase awareness and raise private support for center programming. We invite special guests to contribute their time and expertise to broaden our circle of supporters and make these events memorable and worthwhile.

Opportunities for Philanthropic Support

Neltje Center for Excellence in Creativity and the Arts General Support
General gifts to support the Neltje Center will always be a priority as they enable UW to strategically direct funding to overall programming, the Jentel Artist Residency or the operations of the center. At this important time in the center’s development, your generous support will give us the flexibility to be responsive to the needs of students and the community.

Neltje Center Programming Partners
World-class programming is in development for the Neltje Center. Master classes, creative experiences, performances, exhibitions, readings, and multidisciplinary projects are a part of our four-year plan for students, alumni, community members, and visitors. If you are interested in giving to compelling and ambitious programming, we offer a wide range of partnership opportunities for donors including supporting overall programing, a series of programs, or even single events.

Neltje Center Endowment 
Neltje identified UW as an institution to implement her vision and her personal philanthropy started the
endowment to create the center. Building on this significant fund is a goal of the center, and your generous
gift to this endowment will further support its impact on students, faculty, and professional artists for generations to come.

Jentel Artist Residency Partners
Jentel Artist Residency Partners continue the spirit of Neltje’s remarkable gift. Supporting a residency is
flexible, and you can work with Jentel staff to create parameters that match your passion with the priorities
of Jentel. If you are interested, we offer multiple opportunities to support residencies, from one year to multiple years.

Named Jentel Artist Residency
Similar to a residency partnership, named gifts support Neltje’s unique and inspiring vision. We invite you to
consider a generous gift to name a residency for one year, for multiple years, or through an endowment that
will name a residency in perpetuity. Residencies can be named for a person, an organization, or another entity.

Opportunities for Engagement

Friends of Neltje Center
Friends of Neltje Center support our vision by participating in programming, sharing ideas for future opportunities, and spreading the word with friends and colleagues. Friends of Neltje Center are invited to special events to engage with programming leaders and master class teachers as well as invitations to all community programs. To become a valued member of the Friends of Neltje Center, we ask you to contribute a minimum of $5,000 annually or identify $5,000 of annual support from sponsors, in-kind donations, or other resources.

Friends of Jentel
The Friends of Jentel support the artist residency by participating in programming, creating a community of
Jentel alumni and supporters, identifying opportunities to connect with Neltje Center programming, and
spreading the word about an operating support campaign. To become a valued member of the Friends of Jentel, we ask you to contribute an annual financial amount at your discretion.

Contact Us

College of Arts and Sciences

University of Wyoming

1000 E. University Ave, Dept. 3254

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-4106

Email: asdean@uwyo.edu

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