1000 E. University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-5233
The University of Wyoming requires bidding when goods and/or services are anticipated to surpass certain dollar thresholds. In those cases, bid requests are prepared and posted online by UW Procurement Services and UW Operations.
UW Procurement Services posts formal solicitations to BidNet Direct and UW Operations posts to Public Purchase. Both registrations are free.
Some categories of goods/services have specific bid requirements/limitations, which will be identified on the bid document.
Procurement Services can be contacted with any further questions.
University of Wyoming Procurement Services posts formal solicitations to the BidNet
Direct portal, a service that allows government agencies to post and notify suppliers
of solicitation opportunities.
BidNet Direct
BidNet Supplier Support: 1-800-835-4603
Suppliers must register with BidNet to access solicitation documents for the University of Wyoming. Registration
is free, however, suppliers may register for a fee to receive enhanced site functionality
and automatic solicitation opportunity notifications. Suppliers who register for
automatic notifications receive solicitation opportunities geared toward their product/service
offerings based on the categories they associate with their account. Suppliers who
do not register for the automatic solicitation notifications are responsible for monitoring
solicitations and related documentation on their own.
University of Wyoming solicitations posted to BidNet Direct must be submitted according
to the terms and conditions stated in the solicitation documents.
Suppliers are responsible for regularly monitoring BidNet Direct to be aware of opportunities
and to review changes or addenda to solicitations. University of Wyoming is not responsible
for misinformation received from private plan rooms or plan holders. Please see Procurement
Services' Competitive Solicitations page to access solicitation information for University of Wyoming.
UW Operations bid requests are prepared and posted online through Public Purchase. Current bids/proposal requests are shown below. However, details about these bids/proposal requests do require registration with Public Purchase– there is NO COST for this registration.
Please click here to register for Public Purchase.
Supplier Preferences
Preference shall be allowed in the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment, machinery,
or provisions provided by bona fide Wyoming residents when such materials, supplies,
equipment, machinery or provisions are of quality equal to those offered by an out-of-state
vendor. Such preference shall be five percent (5%) (Wyoming Statue 16-6-105) However,
preferences shall not be given in violation of any Federal law, rule or regulation.
Whenever Federal laws are applicable, Federal laws shall supersede any State laws.
A 10% preference is granted the resident printer bidding on printed needs of any department
of the state. This statute requires one year of residence and printing plant in actual
operation in the state, and 75% of the work must be performed in that plant, for the
bidder to qualify for the preference (Wyoming Statute Section 16-6-301, Laws, Rev.
Suppliers must have a current Wyoming residency certification on file with the Wyoming
Department of Workforce Services at the time of the bid submission in order to qualify
for resident preference. Inquiries regarding obtaining a residency certification
number should be directed to the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, Labor Standards
Office at (307) 777-7261. The Department of Workforce Services certifies residency
and enforces the preference law.
1000 E. University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-5233