Wheat Bug

Nysius huttoni

Nysius huttoni
Photo by Natasha Wright, Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Bugwood.org

The Wheat Bug (Nysius huttoni) is a pest of wheat, flax, clover, oats, barley, rye and other crops.  An enzyme in adult saliva can affect flour protein when milled.  Damage of 1% of wheat grains can make the whole crop unsuitable for baking.  Surveys were conducted because of the presence of potential host material in Wyoming and high potential for establishment after introduction.  Endemic to New Zealand, it has spread through Northern Europe but has not been found in the United States.

 The Wheat Bug portion of the Small Grains Commodity Survey is conducted by the Wyoming Pest Detection / CAPS Program.  The survey is a visual examination of the host plant.  Host plant fields were swept with nets and visually surveyed May through August.  Sweep net samples were examined for suspects at the University of Wyoming.

Contact Us

WY CAPS Program

University of Wyoming

Dept. Ecosystem Science & Management: 3354

1000 East University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307)766-5278

Email: caps@uwyo.edu

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