WY CAPS Program
University of Wyoming
Dept. Ecosystem Science & Management: 3354
1000 East University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)766-5278
Email: caps@uwyo.edu
Photo by Pest and Diseases Image Library, Bugwood.org
Cereal Leaf Beetle (Oulema melanopus) is a pest in small grains. It is established in the northern US. Its damage causes yield loss and its presence can affect the sale of those commodities. It has been found in fifteen counties in Wyoming. 2,147 total survey observations have been made in 22 counties.
The Cereal Leaf Beetle Survey has been conducted through a joint effort between USDA
APHIS PPQ, the University of Wyoming (UW), and the Wyoming Pest Detection / CAPS Program.
Surveys are conducted visually in the field. A sweep net is used to locate adults
and larvae; the eggs are small and require close inspection of the host material.
The initial observation of Cereal Leaf Beetle was made in 1987 by UW.
2011 2011
2006 2006
2005 2005
2004 2004
2003 2003
2002 2002
2001 2001
2000 2000
1999 1999
1998 1998
1997 1997
1996 1996
1995 1995
1994 1994
1987 1987
Historical Historical
WY CAPS Program
University of Wyoming
Dept. Ecosystem Science & Management: 3354
1000 East University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)766-5278
Email: caps@uwyo.edu