WY CAPS Program
University of Wyoming
Dept. Ecosystem Science & Management: 3354
1000 East University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)766-5278
Email: caps@uwyo.edu
Photo by Juan Manuel Alvarez, University of Idaho, Bugwood.org
The Haanchen Barley Mealybug (Trionymus haancheni) is a pest of barley. It has been attributed to causing loss in grain quality and making grain harvest difficult. It has been found in the US and was identified again in eastern Idaho in 2003. It is not yet known if this pest is of serious concern. Surveys are conducted because of the presence of potential host material in Wyoming and the recent interest of neighboring Idaho. To date, it has not been found in Wyoming. One hundred eighty-three total survey observations have been made in two counties in Wyoming.
The Wyoming Haanchen Barley Mealybug Survey is conducted by USDA APHIS PPQ. Surveys are conducted visually in the field. In the field, suspects are most often identified by egg sacs and secretions. If suspects are found they are sent to the University of Wyoming for further identification under a microscope.
WY CAPS Program
University of Wyoming
Dept. Ecosystem Science & Management: 3354
1000 East University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)766-5278
Email: caps@uwyo.edu