Susan McCormack Center for Student Success
Academic Advising Office
1000 E. University Ave
EN 2085
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-4253
Newly admitted transfer students: Please send an email to to request advising. You should include your full name, W number, and intended major in your email.
Fall transfer students are advised in April, while spring transfer admits are advised in November. However, you should reach out as soon as you are admitted so that your transfer work can be evaluated in a timely manner.
Newly admitted freshmen students: Advising for first time students begins with New Student Days. Click here for information. For students who were not able to attend a New Student Days event, advising will begin in June. Watch for an email from your advisor with information on how to schedule an appointment.
If you have not received an email by June 15, please send an email to and include your full name, W number, and intended major.
Susan McCormack Center for Student Success
Academic Advising Office
1000 E. University Ave
EN 2085
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-4253