Civil and Architectural Engineering
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Ph.D., Civil (Environmental) Engineering, 1984, Colorado State University
M.S., Civil (Environmental) Engineering, 1974, University of Wyoming
B.S., Electrical (Bio-medical) Engineering, 1972, University of Wyoming
Overview of Work Experience
- 2014 to Present, Deputy Director of the Center of Excellence in Produced Water Management
– Adjunct Professor of Practice, University of Wyoming
- 1984 to 2014, CH2M HILL; Fellow and Senior Vice President
- 1978 to 1980, ARAMCO Inc., Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; Senior Environmental Engineer
- 1974 to 1978, Texaco, Inc., Port Arthur, Texas; Senior Process Engineer
- 1971 to 2001, Environmental Hygiene Agency, US Army, Captain
Board Appointments and Committees
- Board member Iofina Inc., chemical company, 2014 to present
- Advisory Board Member, Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES), Idaho Falls Idaho
(consortium of Idaho State, Idaho, Boise State, Wyoming University and Idaho National
Lab) 2015 to 2017
- Colorado Water and Energy Consortium 2010 to 2016
- CH2MHILL Foundation, Board Member, philanthropic foundation, 2012 to 2015
- Drinking Water Subcommittee, Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC), to USEPA, 2010
to 2012
- Science Advisory Board, USEPA, Homeland Security Advisory Committee 2005 to 2010
- National Advisory Board, University of Wyoming, College of Engineering 2002 - 2010
- International Experts Committee, Sydney Water Corporation 1999 and 2003, Sydney, Australia
- National Drinking Water Advisory Council, USEPA, 1998 to 2000
- S. EPA appointment to National Drinking Water Advisory Committee, Working Group on
Research Prioritization, 2000
- Co-chairman of AwwaRF and EPA’s experts workshop on Microbial and Disinfection Byproduct
Research Needs, 1999
- Technical Committee member for EPA and AwwaRF Disinfection and Disinfection Byproducts
Council, 1997 to 2002
- Chairman Blue Ribbon Expert Panel, Impacts of Recreation on Drinking Water Supplies,
Metropolitan Water District Southern California, 1995
- Co-chairman for AwwaRF and EPA Research Prioritization, 1996
Peer Reviewed Publications
Sustainability Principles and Regulatory Development*, W Bellamy, P Swaim, J Curl, A Carpenter, A Roberson. Journal AWWA, March 2015
Biological and Ion Exchange Nitrate Removal Evaluation, K J Meyer, P D. Swaim, W D Bellamy, B E Rittmann, Y Tang, R Scott. Water Research
Foundation, 2010
Treating Algal Toxins Using Oxidation, Adsorption, and Membrane Technologies, Alvarez, J Rose, and W Bellamy. Water Research Foundation, April 2010
Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory and Management Strategy Guidelines for Water Utilities, Water Research Foundation, November 2009.
UV Disinfection and Disinfection By-Product Characteristics of Unfiltered Water, Awwa Research Foundation, November 2004.
Application of the proposed UVDGM requirements to an existing UV disinfection installation,
Journal AWWA, October 2004.
The Impact of Chemical Sequencing on Filtration Performance. IWA Publishing June 2004.
Capital Planning Strategy Manual. IWA Publishing October, 2003.
Use of a Mass Balance Model to Develop Guidelines for Treatment Plant Recycle Streams, Water Science & Technology: Water Supply 1:4 2001.
The Integrated Disinfection Design Framework Approach to Reactor Hydraulics Characterization, Journal Water Supply Research & Technology, AQUA, 50: 245-261, 2001.
Impacts of Backwash on Water Treatment Plant Operations, AWWA Research Foundation, January 2001.
Pilot Testing with the End in Mind, Journal AWWA, May 2001.
Determining Disinfection Needs*, JOURNAL AWWA Vol. 92, No. 5 pp. 44–52 May, 2000.
The Role of Mixing in Ozone Dissolution Systems, Journal International Ozone Association, August, 2000.
Hydrodynamic Evaluation of a Turbine Ozone Contactor, Journal International Ozone Association, August, 2000.
Secondary Impacts of Enhanced Coagulation, Journal AWWA 92:6:62. 2000.
Surrogate Indicators of Treatment Plant Performance,* AWWA Research Foundation, November, 2000.
Using Surrogates to Improve Plant Performance, Journal AWWA 92:3 p 67-78, March 2000.
Variability of Ozone Reaction Kinetics in Batch and Continuous Flow Reactors, Water Research, 33:9, June 1999.
Integrated Disinfection Design Framework,* American Water Works Association publication No. 90739, 1998.
Integrated Membrane Treatment in Alaska, Journal AWWA 89:10, October 1997.
Pilot plant testing of dissolved air flotation for treating Boston's low-turbidity
surface water supply. Water Science and Technology 31:3-4 1995.
Full Scale Ozone Contactor Evaluation,* AWWA Research Foundation, 1994.
Assessing Water Treatment Plant Performance.* AWWA Journal. 85:12. December 1993. (Awarded Best Paper of the Year 1994 by AWWA
Water Quality Division)
Inline Ozone Dissolution Demonstration Scale Evaluation.* Journal International Ozone Association, 13:5, 1991.
Treatment of VOC-Contaminated Groundwater by Hydrogen Peroxide and Ozone Oxidation* Research Journal WPCF, 63:2 March/April 1991.
Ozone in Water Treatment: Application and Engineering. (Contributing Author) AWWA Research Foundation, Lewis Publishing, Inc., 1990.
Diatomaceous Earth Filtration of Giardia Cysts and Other Substances. AWWA Journal. 78:1. January 1986.
Slow Sand Filtration: Influences of Process Variables.* AWWA Journal. 77:12. December 1985.
Removing Giardia Cysts with Slow Sand Filtration.* AWWA Journal. 77:2. February 1985.
Contributions to Books
Sustainable Approaches for Water Treatment Plant Optimization, Chapter 2. In: Comprehensive Water Quality and Purification, Elsevier Science, 2013
Water Treatment Plant Design 5th Edition, American Water Works Association, American Society of Civil Engineer, McGraw Hill
July 10, 2012.
On Line Instrumentation and Control for Water Treatment, AWWA Research Foundation, publication (in print), Lead author for 2 chapters, 2001.
Slow Sand Filtration, ASCE Publication, Edited by Gary S. Logsdon, contributing author, 1991.
Ozone in Water Treatment, Lewis Publishers, Edited by Bruno Langlis, David Reckhow, and Deborah Brink, Contributing
author to four chapters, 1991.
Manual of Design for Slow Sand Filtration, AwwaRF publication, Edited by David Hendricks, contributing author, 1991.
Over 100 Presentations and Publications