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    Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management

    EN 3074

    Dept. 3295

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Phone: (307)766-2390


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    Civil and Architectural Engineering

    College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

    Michael G. Barker


    Office: EN 3090
    University of Wyoming

    College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

    Department of Civil & Architectural Engineering

    Dept. 3295
    1000 E. University Avenue
    Laramie, WY 82071


    Michael G. Barker


    • B.S. Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 1983
    • M.S. Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 1987
    • Ph.D. Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, 1990

    Registered Professional Engineer:

    • Minnesota
    • Missouri


    • Steel bridges and bridge engineering. Experimental testing and in-situ field testing.

    Recent Research:

    • Performance & serviceability field testing Missouri's first High Performance Steel bridge, FHWA & MoDOT.
    • Field testing a Fiber Reinforced Polymer bridge deck, Kansas State & KDOT.
    • Tension Field Action in hybrid plate girders, AISI, Bethlehem Steel, FHWA and MoDOT.
    • Signal Mast Arm fatigue failure investigation, MoDOT.
    • Destructive and Non-Destructive tests of FRP reinforced slab bridges, MoDOT & USDOT.
    • Field testing and load-rating steel girder bridges, MoDOT.

    Professional Organizations:

    • American Society of Civil Engineers Steel Bridge Committee.
    • American Iron & Steel Institute, Bridge Research Task Force.
    • Transportation Research Board Committee A2C05, Dyn. and Field Testing of Bridges.
    • Federal Highway Administration SP & R Exchange Team.
    • Federal Emergency Management Agency, US & R Technical Committee.
    Contact Us

    Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management

    EN 3074

    Dept. 3295

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Phone: (307)766-2390


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