Overview of COJO Graduate School Program

The University of Wyoming COJO Graduate Program is a scholarly program that turns bright students into knowledgeable, academically grounded, independent-thinking communicators.  The degree provides a solid foundation for your next step whether it is to pursue a Ph.D., teach at a college, work for a non-profit organization, or enter private industry.

The master's degree in communication and media offers coursework in rhetorical, critical/cultural, and social scientific perspectives and methodologies. Students can complete a traditional research-oriented thesis or a project-based thesis (otherwise known as a Plan B). 

Students who choose the traditional research-oriented thesis option will be required to take 27 credit hours plus 4 hours of thesis credits. A minimum of 25 hours must be taken within the COJO department, with a maximum of 6 hours of independent study, 3 hours of internship credit hours, and 3 hours of 4000-level coursework.

Students who choose a Plan B project will be required to take 30 credit hours plus 3 hours of Graduate Project credits (for a total of 33 credit hours). A minimum of 27 hours must be taken within the COJO department, with a maximum of 6 hours of independent study, 3 hours of internship credit hours, and 6 hours of 4000-level coursework.

Full-time students will need to decide by the end of their second semester which type of project they will select. Nine credits a semester is considered full time.

Four required courses in theory and methods insure a solid research base on which students build their individual research.  Required classes are completed in the first year so that the second year is used to develop and complete the thesis or project. A typical schedule for a full-time student includes:

Fall, Year 1:

  • COJO 5080 – Qualitative Research Methods (required).
  • COJO 5800 – Foundations of Journalism and Communication (required).
  • COJO Elective or theory class (to meet theory requirement). For public speaking Graduate Teaching Assistants, their third course is a three hour graduate teaching practicum.

 Spring, Year 1:

  • COJO 5070 – Quantitative Research Methods (required).
  • COJO Elective or theory class (to meet theory requirement).
  • COJO Elective.
  • Graduate Teaching Assistants add 1 hour of Practicum.

Fall, Year 2:

  • COJO 5890 – Independent Study (to develop thesis/project prospectus)
  • COJO Elective.
  • COJO Elective.
  • Graduate Teaching Assistants add 1 hour of Practicum.

 Spring, Year 2:

  • COJO 5960 for Thesis Research or COJO 5961 for Plan B Graduate Projects
  • COJO Electives/Additional classes for Plan B
  • Graduate Teaching Assistants add 1 hour of Practicum.


Contact Us

Dr. Chia-Fang (Sandy) Hsu

437 Ross Hall

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-3122

Email: hsus@uwyo.edu

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