COJO Department
223/224 Ross Hall
Dept. # 3904
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-3122
For a full-text description of the courses, please see the University Catalog.
COJO 1000. Introduction to Mass Media
COJO 1030. Interpersonal Communication
COJO 1040. Introduction to Human Communication
COJO 2010. Public Speaking
COJO 2095. Persuasive Argumentation
COJO 2099. Special Topics in Debate
COJO 2100. Media Writing
COJO 2400. Introduction to Photography
COJO 3000. History of American Journalism
COJO 3010. Business and Professional Communication
COJO 3040. Advanced Communication Theory
COJO 3070. Communication Research
COJO 3100. Public Affairs/Government Reporting
COJO 3160. Theory of Language and Society
COJO 3190. Cross-Cultural Communication
COJO 3200. Graphics of Communication
COJO 3300. Advertising in the Media
COJO 3310. Public Relations
COJO 3480. Internship
COJO 3520. Communication Technology and Society
COJO 3530. Multimedia Production
COJO 3550. Political Communication
COJO 3900. Family Communication
COJO 4020. Mass Media and Society
COJO 4030. Advanced Interpersonal Communication
COJO 4040. Digital Video Production
COJO 4050. Communication and Conflict
COJO 4100. Investigative Reporting
COJO 4110. Feature Writing
COJO 4140. Nonverbal Communication Studies
COJO 4160. African American Rhetoric
COJO 4200. Visual Communication
COJO 4210. Special Topics in Communication
COJO 4230. Special Topics in Mass Media
COJO 4233. Race, Gender & Ethnicity in the Media
COJO 4250. Advanced Organizational Communication
COJO 4260. Rhetoric and Social Justice
COJO 4310. Public Relations Techniques
COJO 4400. Photojournalism
COJO 4500. Mass Communication Law
COJO 4700. Media, Science & Society
COJO 4990. Independent Study in Communication
For communication majors, there are six suggested advising tracks based on your interested areas.
COJO 3300 Advertising Media
COJO 3310 Public Relations
COJO 3530 Multimedia Production
COJO 4040 Digital Video Production
Visual Communication
COJO 2400 Photography
COJO 4040 Digital Video Production
COJO 4400 Photojournalism
COJO 4200 Visual Communication
Cultural Communication
COJO 3160 Theory of Language & Society
COJO 3190 Cross-Cultural Communication (Fulfills D)
COJO 3520 Communication Technology & Society
COJO 4233 Race, Gender & Ethnicity in the Media
Political Communication
COJO 2095 Persuasive Argumentation
COJO 3550 Political Communication
COJO 4020 Mass Media & Society
COJO 4700 Media, Science, & Society
Public Relations
COJO 3300 Advertising in the Media
COJO 3310 Public Relations
COJO 4310 Public Relations Techniques
COJO 3480 Internship (Focus on Public Relations)
Rhetorical Studies
COJO 2095 Persuasive Argumentation
COJO 4060 Rhetorical Theory & Criticism
COJO 4160 African-American Rhetoric 1865 to Present
COJO 4260 Rhetoric & Social Justice
COJO Department
223/224 Ross Hall
Dept. # 3904
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-3122