Students sitting on the grass at the University of Wyoming
    Contact Us

    COJO Department
    Ross Hall 223
    1000 E. University Ave.
    Laramie, WY 82071
    Phone: (307) 766-3122

    Find us on Facebook (Link opens a new window)

    Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society

    Omicron Pi Chapter


    Lambda Pi Eta, Omicron Pi Chapter, is an undergraduate honor society for University of Wyoming Communication and Journalism majors. Members get an opportunity to network with others in the communication field, learn more about their department and faculty, and attend the annual conference of the National Communication Association.

    Lambda Pi Eta (LPH) is the National Communication Association’s official honor society at four-year colleges and universities. LPH has more than 500 active chapters at four-year colleges and universities nationwide. LPH became a part of the National Communication Association in 1988, and the association's official honor society in July 1995. It is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS).

    LPH represents what Aristotle described in Rhetoric as three ingredients of persuasion: logos (Lambda), meaning logic; pathos (Pi), relating to emotion; and ethos (Eta), defined as character credibility and ethics.

    Lambda Pi Eta Crest


    About Lambda Pi Eta

    • Recognize, foster, and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in communication and journalism

    • Stimulate interest in the field of Communication

    • Promote and encourage professional development among communication and journalism majors

    • Provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in the field of communication

    • Establish and maintain closer relationships between faculty and students

    • Explore options for graduate education in communication and journalism

    • Declared COJO major

    • COJO GPA of 3.0.

    • 60 semester credit-hours completed

    • 12 semester credit-hours in COJO completed

    • High standards of personal and professional character

    • Can join the organization even if they don't fulfill all of the requirements

    • Are a pertinent part of the Lambda Pi Eta honor society

    • Do not need to take on any major responsibilities

    • Help out with events and attend meetings

    • May be inducted as a full member once the student is eligible

    Omicron Pi Chapter of Lambda Pi Eta strives to prepare its members for a bright future in the field of communication by providing career and personal development opportunities. Our activities and events include, but are not limited to:

    • Kick-Off event

    • Induction ceremony

    • Resume workshops

    • Networking events

    • Annual conference of the National Communication Association

    • COJO Banquet (end of the semester)

    As a member, you will have an opportunity to determine the future direction of our organization!
    Apply to join Lambda Pi Eta.

    The cost of membership is $50, which includes your organizational dues, induction certificate, LPH pin, and graduation honor cords.


    Apply to join Lambda Pi Eta

    Fill out a Lambda Pi Eta Application before September 27th, 2024. If you have any questions about the honor society or issues with your application, please email us at


    Lambda Pi Eta students at the Honors Banquet


    Contact Us

    COJO Department
    Ross Hall 223
    1000 E. University Ave.
    Laramie, WY 82071
    Phone: (307) 766-3122

    Find us on Facebook (Link opens a new window)