Contact Us

    COJO Department

    Ross Hall Rm.#223

    Dept. #3904

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Phone: (307) 766-3122


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    COJO Scholarships & Awards


    Scholarships will be determined by consideration of need, grades, extracurricular and/or internship activities, quality of the essay (if needed), and the specifications of each scholarship. Scholarships will be awarded at the department reception each April. Recipients should plan to attend the reception to receive their scholarship.


    Specialty Scholarships:

    • Carl & Dorothy Rott Scholarship for Non-traditional COJO Students

    • Dreinhofer Award Outstanding Achievement in Student Publications

    • Johnston Public Relations Fund Conference travel for PR students

    • Larsh Bristol Photojournalism Fellowship

    • Roberts Combs Warner Top Drawer Award in News Photography and Photojournalism

    • Ron Strube Memorial Fund Debate

    • William C. Donaghy Graduate Student Fund

    Student smiling at graduation



    Awards recognize students' achievements and contributions to the COJO department, communication discipline, university, and community. All awards will be presented at the Honor’s Day Ceremony.


    Undergraduate Student Recognition for Excellence Award

    • Minimum 3.5 GPA

    • Students should be active and contribute to the department, discipline or profession, university, or at-large community utilizing skills and abilities that represent communication and/or journalism expertise.

    • Nomination & Selection: All faculty members will participate in the selection of the award recipient during the April faculty meeting. The person that nominates the individual selected will provide a brief description (maximum 1-page single spaced) that will be used at the banquet awards ceremony.



    Graduate Student Recognition for Excellence Award

    • Minimum 3.75 GPA

    • Students should be active and contribute to the department, discipline or profession, university, or at-large community utilizing skills and abilities that represent communication and/or journalism expertise.

    • Nomination & Selection: All faculty members will participate in the selection of the award recipient during the April faculty meeting. The person that nominates the individual selected will provide a brief description (maximum one-page single spaced) that will be used at the banquet awards ceremony.



    Outstanding Undergraduate Student Service Award

    • Recognizes an undergraduate student who has made contributions to the department, discipline, profession, university, or community utilizing skills and abilities that represent communication and/or journalism expertise.
    • Nomination: The nomination process can be completed by: (1) Students (self-nomination or by other students), (2) Faculty members, or (3) Community members. Nominations are to be emailed to the Student Interaction Committee Chair. Students, faculty members, or community members must submit maximum 1-page single-spaced service description and attach a resume.

    • Selection: A 3-member Student Interaction Committee will select the finalist from nominations.



    Outstanding Graduate Student Service Award

    • Recognizes a graduate student who has made contributions to the department, discipline, profession, university, or community utilizing skills and abilities that represent communication and/or journalism expertise.

    • Nomination: The nomination process can be completed by: (1) Graduate Students (self-nomination or by other students), (2) Faculty members, or (3) Community members. Nominations are to be emailed to the Student Interaction Committee Chair. Students, faculty members, or community members must submit maximum 1-page single-spaced service description and attach a resume.

    • Selection: A 3-member Student Interaction Committee will select the finalist from nominations.



    Outstanding Undergraduate Student Research Award

    • Undergraduate student who investigates an important subject relevant to Communication or Journalism during the previous calendar year.

    • Research should demonstrate a strong theoretical rationale, utilize systematic methodological choices, offer correct interpretations of results/findings, and provide a thorough discussion of theoretical and practical implications. Ideally, the research will be or has been submitted (and accepted) to a conference for presentation. Alternatively, students may be eligible for nomination if they assisted faculty member(s) in data collection, analysis, and/or writing a manuscript.

    • Nomination: The nomination process can be completed by: (1) Student (self-nomination) or (2) Faculty members. Nominations are to be emailed to the Student Interaction Committee Chair. Students and Faculty members must submit maximum 1-page single-spaced research description and attach the research manuscript.

    • Selection: A 3-member committee will select the finalist from nominations. Committee membership includes: 2 faculty members and a Student Interaction Committee representative.



    Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award

    • Graduate student who investigates an important subject relevant to Communication or Journalism during the previous calendar year.

    • Research should demonstrate a strong theoretical rationale, utilize systematic methodological choices, offer correct interpretations of results/findings, and provide a thorough discussion of theoretical and practical implications. Ideally, the research will be or has been submitted (and accepted) to a conference for presentation. This research award excludes Thesis or Plan B projects from consideration. Alternatively, students may be eligible for nomination if they assisted faculty member(s) in data collection, analysis, and/or writing a manuscript.

    • Nomination: The nomination process can be completed by: (1) Graduate Student (self-nomination) or (2) Faculty members. Nominations are to be emailed to the Student Interaction Committee Chair. Students and Faculty members must submit maximum 1-page single-spaced research description and attach the research manuscript.

    • Selection: A 3-member committee will select the finalist from nominations. Committee membership includes: Graduate Director, a faculty member, and a Student Interaction Committee representative.



    Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award

    • Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) who exemplifies excellent teaching skills and outstanding mentorship to peer teaching assistants.

    • The GTA must have taught during the previous calendar year (e.g., summer, fall, or spring semesters).

    • Usually awarded to 2nd-year GTAs (although 1st-year GTAs are eligible).

    • Nomination: Graduate Assistants or Faculty members can nominate graduate students by emailing one of the three Graduate Teaching Supervisors. Nominators must submit an explanation that best describes the GTA’s contributions (maximum 1-page single spaced).

    • Selection: As part of the nomination process, graduate students will initially vote for who they think is deserving of the award. The committee consisting of Graduate Teaching Supervisors will consider both peer and faculty input as they select the finalist from the nominations. Thereby, the selection includes both peer and faculty input.



    Outstanding Thesis Award

    • All graduate students who have defended their Thesis during the preceding school year are eligible.

    • A student must have successfully defended a Thesis before the deadline of award nomination (the Honor’s Day Ceremony).

    • Nomination: Thesis chairs and/or committee members can nominate graduate students by emailing the Student Interaction Committee Chair. Faculty members must submit an explanation (maximum 1-page single spaced) providing the rationale that qualifies the graduate student for this award

    • Selection: A 3-member committee will select the finalist from nominations. Committee membership includes: Graduate Director, a Graduate Committee representative, and a Student Interaction Committee representative. If this committee selects a nominee that has not yet defended prior to the Honor’s Day Ceremony, then the nomination will be awarded to the selection ranked next highest. Thereby, it is recommended that the committee generate two nominees: (1) award recipient and (2) alternate.

    • This award may include a cash reward.



    Outstanding Professional Project Award

    • All graduate students who have defended their Professional Project in the preceding school year are eligible.

    • A student must have successfully defended a Professional Project before the deadline of award nomination (the Honor’s Day Ceremony).

    • Nomination: Professional Project chairs and/or committee members can nominate graduate students by emailing the Student Interaction Committee Chair. Faculty members must submit a project abstract and an explanation (maximum 1-page single spaced) providing the rationale that qualifies the graduate student for the award.

    • Selection: A 3-member committee will select the finalist from nominations. Committee membership includes: Graduate Director, a Graduate Committee representative, and a Student Interaction Committee representative. If this committee selects a nominee that has not yet defended prior to the Honor’s Day Banquet, then the nomination will be awarded to the selection ranked next highest. Thereby, it is recommended that this committee generate two nominees: (1) award recipient and (2) alternate.

    • This award may include a cash reward.


    Contact Us

    COJO Department

    Ross Hall Rm.#223

    Dept. #3904

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Phone: (307) 766-3122


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