Ellbogen Center for Teaching and Learning
1000 E. University Ave. Dept. 3334
Coe Library 510
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)7664817
Email: ellbogenctl@uwyo.edu
Our Faculty developers have extensive experience in education and can offer an outside perspective to instructors to assist in assessing their teaching. A classroom or online course observation can help you identify strengths as well as suggestions for improvement in your classroom.
Online observations of an online course site (as opposed to a synchronous online class session) can be done while the course is in progress or after it has concluded. This timing allows an observer not only to view course design but also to fain insights about how students interact and navigate within the space.
NOTE: While an instructor may certainly choose to use an ECTL observation report as part of T&P materials, these reports are always written to the instructor and always focus on supporting the instructor’s pedagogical development rather than serving primarily as a formal “evaluation” of the course. This distinction is small but important to us: we want to promote effective teaching, and we think that departments and T&P committees must have responsibility for determining whether a faculty member’s teaching is effective and aligned with their program’s goals and culture!
To request a consultation, please fill out our Consultation Request Form. PLEASE NOTE: It may take at least two weeks to schedule a consultation.
For more information, please email us at ellbogenctl@uwyo.edu or call us at (307) 766-4847.
Ellbogen Center for Teaching and Learning
1000 E. University Ave. Dept. 3334
Coe Library 510
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)7664817
Email: ellbogenctl@uwyo.edu