Contact Us

Wyoming Drug Utilization Review (WY-DUR)

Dept. 3375

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-6750

Fax: 307-766-2953


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Wyoming Drug Utilization Review

School of Pharmacy | College of Health Sciences


Preferred Drug List (PDL)

The draft Preferred Drug List for 2024 is available for review and public comment.  Any comments should be received prior to December 15, 2023.

 2024 PDL 

Public Comment at Meetings:

 A new policy for public comment at meetings is effective March 1, 2023. 

PhRMA Guidelines and PhRMA Comment Request Form (updated March 1, 2023)
Public Guidelines and Public Comment Request Form (updated March 1, 2023)


P & T Committee Meeting Dates


Due to the ongoing circumstances related to COVID-19, the P&T Meetings have and will continue to be conducted via Zoom. Please send an email to Karly Bentz at to register for the upcoming conference and obtain meeting information.

August P&T Agenda

May P&T Minutes


2024 Meetings

Thursday, February 8; Thursday, May 9; Thursday, August 8; Thursday, November 14




Contact Us

Wyoming Drug Utilization Review (WY-DUR)

Dept. 3375

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-6750

Fax: 307-766-2953


Find us on Instagram (Link opens a new window)Find us on Facebook (Link opens a new window)Find us on Twitter (Link opens a new window)Find us on LinkedIn (Link opens a new window)Find us on YouTube (Link opens a new window)