College of Education
Dept. 3374
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-3145
The College of Education is home to multiple standing committees. For information regarding current representation for each department or meeting schedules, please check with department leadership or the Dean's office, respectively.
The Dean, Associate Deans, Department Heads, Directors, and Executive Business Manager shall constitute the Leadership Council which shall be advisory to the Dean on administrative and instructional issues, and which shall represent the faculty in all academic endeavors. The Principal of the UW Lab School and the Manager of Student Advising shall serve as ex-officio members of the Council. The Council will submit to the faculty-at-large for its deliberations important items which directly affect the college and which shall represent the faculty.
There shall be a Tenure and Promotion Committee composed of six faculty members in the College of Education, five holding the rank of associate or full professor and one holding the rank of associate or senior lecturer. Members on the committee shall serve staggered three year terms with service typically beginning in August and ending in August. Each of the College’s four departments shall have a representative on the committee. A fifth member and the lecturer shall represent the College at-large.
Each spring semester, the existing committee shall elect a Chair for the next academic year. The Chair’s one year term shall begin at the start of the fall semester. Each spring semester, the College will elect members to fill vacancies caused by the completion of a member’s three-year term. The relevant Department Head will provide the Dean with a list of department faculty members who are eligible and willing to serve as either a department, at-large, lecturer, or alternate representative. The Dean will prepare the ballots of the election of members to the committee. College faculty will be asked to vote for one candidate per department to fill vacant department representative seats and to vote for one lecturer. Candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be selected. The faculty member, not elected to represent a department, who receives the highest number of votes from the college-wide ballot will serve as the At-Large Member, while the Alternate will be determined by the faculty member receiving the next highest number of votes. In the case that any department does not have an eligible faculty member willing to serve on this Committee, the Alternate will serve in the place of that department representative. The term of the Alternate will not exceed one year; the At-Large Member will serve a term of three years.
The five faculty holding the rank of associate or full professor shall review and vote on all faculty candidates for reappointment, promotion, and tenure in the College of Education, including review of applicants considered for tenure at the time of hire. The faculty member holding the rank of lecturer shall vote on academic professional candidates only, including those who are considered for associate or senior lecturer at the time of hire. The Committee provides recommendations to the Dean based on the vote of the Committee as stipulated in UW Regulation 5-803. In addition, this Committee shall review and make recommendation to the Dean regarding any requests for academic sabbatical leaves.
The Technology Committee shall advise the Associate Dean (Graduate) and make policy recommendations related to acquisition and use of educational technology within the College. The committee is responsible for developing a three-year technology plan for the College and updating the plan as needed. The committee is also responsible for determining expenditures from the student technology fee funds including recommendations for purchases, maintenance, and repair. In addition, the committee will recommend day-to-day operational policy for use of student labs and equipment. The committee will be composed of one faculty representative from each department and five students (at least two undergraduate and two graduate). New faculty committee members shall be identified by the respective Department Heads each fall semester and begin their terms at the start of fall semester. Faculty committee members shall serve three-year staggered terms. Graduate student members will be appointed by the Associate Dean (Graduate); undergraduate student members will be appointed by the Associate Dean (Undergraduate). Student members shall serve a one-year term with the option to be reappointed. The committee shall annually select its Chair from among the appointed faculty members during the first meeting in the fall semester. The Associate Dean (Graduate), Coordinator of Technology, and the Executive Business Manager are ex-officio members of this Committee.
There shall be an Advisory Council on Teacher Education that will make recommendations regarding matters pertaining to teacher education such as accreditation, policy proposals, policy and procedures for admission to teacher education programs, advisement, curriculum review, and review of teacher education programs (as required by state and national agencies).
This Council will advise the Associate Dean (Undergraduate) and the Dean on policy and program issues related to undergraduate education.
The Chair of the Council will be elected from the voting membership during the spring semester prior to the expiration of the current Chair’s term to serve a three-year term.
Voting members of the Council shall serve staggered three year terms except student members who shall serve a one-year term with the option to renew.
Council members with voting rights shall be one representative from each of the following groups as identified by each group:
(a) the UW Lab School;
(b) community college education faculty;
(c) the Director of the Wyoming School-University Partnership;
(d) one faculty member representing each education program of ELEM, EDSE and EDST within the School of Teacher Education;
(e) the School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, and Design;
(f) UW Casper faculty;
(g) UW Casper advising;
(h) a K-12 faculty member representing Residency mentor teachers, and
(i) one faculty member representing each education program of Art, Music and Health/Physical Education.
Two additional Council members with voting rights shall be one student representative from elementary/early childhood undergraduate teacher education majors and one student from secondary undergraduate teacher education majors as identified by the Council.
Votes shall be used to determine consensus recommendations for the Leadership Council, Associate Dean (Graduate), and the Dean, as appropriate.
Members without voting rights shall be the Associate Dean (Undergraduate), the Manager of Student Advising in the Teacher Preparation and Advising Office, the Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences as liaison to the College of Education, the Principal of the UW Lab School, and an administrative representative from a School-University Partnership district.
For graduate matters, there shall be an Advisory Council on Graduate Education composed of the following: two faculty members identified from the faculty of the Department of Professional Studies; one faculty member identified from each of the Curriculum and Instruction Departments (Educational Studies, Elementary Education, and Secondary Education); the Director of the Science Mathematics Teaching Center; two graduate students from the college; and the Associate Dean (Graduate) serving as an ex-officio (non-voting) member. Graduate student members will be appointed by the Dean. Faculty members shall serve a three-year term and graduate student members shall serve a one-year term with the option to renew. This Council will make recommendations regarding matters pertaining to graduate education such as curriculum and program revision, policy proposals, proposals for new degree programs (on and off-campus), and serve as an appeal board for graduate student affairs. This Council will advise the Associate Dean (Graduate) and the Dean on policy and program issues related to graduate education. Votes shall be used to determine consensus recommendations for the Leadership Council, Associate Dean (Graduate), and the Dean, as appropriate. The Chair of the Advisory Council on Graduate Education will be elected at the first fall meeting from the voting members. Responsibilities of the Chair of the Advisory Council on Graduate Education include calling meetings of the Advisory Council on Graduate Education; setting the agenda for each meeting, and facilitating each Advisory Council on Graduate Education meeting.
The Committee will hear student appeals concerning academic matters involving students, faculty, or administrative staff in the College of Education. (Only the following are accepted as a basis for appeal: capriciousness, prejudice, and error.) Composition of the Committee includes three faculty members and two student representatives (one graduate, one undergraduate) all of whom will be appointed (as vacancies occur) from the College of Education by the Dean at the start of each academic year. Committee members with vested interests in specific appeal cases are to request exclusion from these cases. Vested interest exclusions are to be approved by the Associate Dean (Graduate) of the College of Education. The Associate Dean’s (Graduate) office associate or designee will audio record and compile written minutes of each appeal hearing to be given, along with related materials, to the Associate Dean (Graduate). The term of service for the faculty representatives will be three years (staggered terms) and for the student representatives will be one year (can be reappointed for an additional two years). The Chairperson will be elected from the three faculty Committee members. The Chairperson will have voting privileges in all cases. The Committee will meet when notified by the Associate Dean (Graduate) of the College that an appeal is pending, or at other times agreed to by a majority of the members. A quorum for any meeting will be a majority (three) of the members, including one student representative. This committee will also serve as the Dean’s designee for academic dishonesty hearings in accordance with UW Regulation 802.
College of Education
Dept. 3374
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-3145