Faculty & Staff Directory

School of Teacher Education (STE)

no photo

Anne Aydinian-Perry

Assistant Professor, School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie Hall 205

307-766-6349 | aperry16@uwyo.edu

Nikki Baldwin photo

Nikki Baldwin

Senior Lecturer, School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie Hall 306

307-766-4071 | nikb@uwyo.edu

Steve Bialostok

Steve Bialostok

Professor, School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie Hall 302

307-766-6362 | smb@uwyo.edu


Dixie Brackman directory

Dixie Brackman

Assistant Lecturer, School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie Hall 209

307-766-3070 | dixie.brackman@uwyo.edu

Cynthia Brock photo

Cindy Brock

Wyoming Excellence in Higher Education Endowed Chair in Literacy Education

Education Annex 166

307-766-3166 | cynthia.brock@uwyo.edu 

Scott Chamberlin photo

Scott Chamberlin

Director of the School of Teacher Education; Professor

Education 306

307-766-3070 | scott@uwyo.edu 

uwyo coed brown and gold

Emil Eidin

Assistant Professor, School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie Hall 204


Amy Encinger directory

Amy Encinger

Assistant Professor, School of Teacher Education



Jennifer Geringer photo

Jennifer Geringer

Associate Lecturer, School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie 318

307-766-0788 | jgeringe@uwyo.edu 

Kim Gustafson photo

Kim Gustafson

Senior Lecturer, School of Teacher Education; Executive Director

McWhinnie Hall 309

307-766-4006 | kgustaf8@uwyo.edu 

Robert Hill directory

Robert Hill

Professor of Practice, School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie Hall 202

307-766-4363 |rhill13@uwyo.edu 

Ana Houseal photo

Ana Houseal

Professor, School of Teacher Education

Hill Hall 251

307-766-4925 | ahouseal@uwyo.edu 

Alyssa Janzen

Alyssa Janzen

Office Associate

McWhinnie Hall 114

(307) 766-3130 | ajanzen@uwyo.edu

John Kambutu photo

John Kambutu

Professor, School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie Hall 301

307-766-3241 | kambutu@uwyo.edu 

Jason Katzman photo

Jason Katzmann

Associate Lecturer, School of Teacher Education

UW-Casper Physical Science 329

307-268-2583 | jkatzma1@uwyo.edu 

Richard Kitchen photo

Richard Kitchen

Wyoming Excellence Chair in Mathematics Education

Education 322

307-766-6377 | rkitchen@uwyo.edu 

Janet Lear photo

Janet Lear

Associate Lecturer, School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie 207

307-766-6801 | jlear2@uwyo.edu 

Marissa Macy directory

Marissa Macy

John P. Ellbogen Foundation Professor of Early Childhood Education, School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie Hall 303


rosemary mcbride

Rosemary McBride

Assistant Lecturer, School of Teacher Education

Education Building 04

307-766-6806 | rmcbrid7@uwyo.edu 

Alison Mercier photo

Alison Mercier

Assistant Professor, School of Teacher Education

McWinnie 206

307-766-2252 | amercier@uwyo.edu 

Pete Moran photo

Peter Moran

Associate Dean; Professor 

Education Building 6

307-766-4231 | moranpw@uwyo.edu 

Lydiah Nganga photo

Lydiah Nganga

Professor, School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie Hall 305

307-766-6326 | lnganga@uwyo.edu 

Stella Nowell directory

Stella Nowell

Assistant Lecturer, School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie Hall 223


Alexis Ontiveroz

Alexis Ontiveroz

Office Associate, Senior; School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie Hall 115

307-766-6366 | aontive2@uwyo.edu

Anna Payne photo

Anna Payne

Assistant Professor, School of Teacher Education 

Hill Hall 248

563-260-1766| Anna.M.Payne@uwyo.edu 

Todd Reynolds photo

Todd Reynolds

Associate Professor, School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie Hall 214

307-766-6375 | treynol6@uwyo.edu 

Amy Roberts photo

Amy Roberts

Associate Professor, School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie Hall 304

307-766-5327 | aroberts@uwyo.edu 

Leslie Rush photo

Leslie Rush

Wyoming Excellence Chair in Literacy Education

Education Annex 164

307-766-3268 | lrush@uwyo.edu

Joseph Russo directory

Joseph Russo

Assistant Lecturer, School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie Hall 324

307-766-3682 | jrusso1@uwyo.edu 

Miriam Sanders directory

Miriam Sanders

Assistant Professor, School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie Hall 201

307-766-5171 | msande27@uwyo.edu 

Joseph Schroer photo

Joseph Schroer

Associate Lecturer

McWhinnie Hall 211

308-766-3128 | Joseph.Schroer@uwyo.edu 

Jenna Shim photo

Jenna Shim

John P. "Jack" Ellbogen Dean; Professor; Executive Director

Education Building 6

307-766-3126 | jshim@uwyo.edu 

Mary Todd directory

Mary Todd

Assistant Lecturer, School of Teacher Education

McWhinnie Hall 217


Rod Thompson photo

Rod Thompson

Associate Lecturer, School of Teacher Education

UW-Casper Skelton Energy Institute 111

307-268-2406 | rodt@uwyo.edu 

School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, and Design (CLAD)

william cain

William Cain

Assistant Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 337 

307-766-6819 | wcain@uwyo.edu

Jonathan Carrier photo

Jonathan Carrier

Assistant Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 340

307-766-6400 | jcarrie5@uwyo.edu


Amanda DeDiego photo

Amanda DeDiego

Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design


307-268-2056 | adediego@uwyo.edu

Daivd DesAmier directory

David DesArmier

Assistant Lecturer, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education 331


John Heim directory

John Heim

Assistant Lecturer, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 331


barbara hickman

Barbara Hickman

Associate Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 310

307-766-6825 | bhickma3@uwyo.edu

Margaret Hudson photo

Margaret Hudson

Assistant Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 307

307-766-4033 | mhudson@uwyo.edu

Tiffany Hunt photo

Tiffany Hunt

Assistant Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 330

307-766-2902 | thunt@uwyo.edu

Jennifer Krause

Jennifer Krause

Assistant Lecturer, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 318

307-766-2071 | jkraus10@uwyo.edu

Jihyun Lee photo

Jihyun Lee

Associate Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 341

307-766-1998 | jlee59@uwyo.edu

Tiffany LeGal photo

Tiffany LeGal

Office Associate, Senior, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 316

307-766-5649 | tlegal@uwyo.edu

no-photo-uw-coed photo

Paul Maddox

Assistant Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design


307-268-2527 | rmaddox1@uwyo.edu

no-photo-uw-coed photo

Courtney McKim

School Director; Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 315

307-766-4803 | cmckim3@uwyo.edu

Michael Morgan photo

Michael Morgan

Associate Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 317

307-766-7657 | morganm@uwyo.edu

Lindsey Nichols photo

Lindsey Nichols

Associate Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 336

307-766-5715 | lindsey.nichols@uwyo.edu

Mark Perkins photo

Mark Perkins

Assistant Dean; Assistant Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 312

307-766-3187 | mperki17@uwyo.edu

Brittney Philips directory

Brittney Philips

Assistant Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 335

307-766-3123 | bphill22@uwyo.edu

Reed Scull photo

Reed Scull

Associate Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 338

307-766-5645 | wscull@uwyo.edu

Ty Tedmond Jones

Ty Tedmon-Jones

Assistant Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 309

307-766-2370 | ttedmon@uwyo.edu

Neil Theobald photo

Neil Theobald

Executive Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 318

307-766-5768 | neil.theobald@uwyo.edu


Mia Williams

Assistant Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 313

307-766-2004 | mwill14@uwyo.edu

Ling Zhang directory

Ling Zhang

Assistant Professor, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, & Design

Education Building 342

307-766-6229 | lzhang12@uwyo.edu

Dean's Office

Alan Buss photo

Alan Buss

Associate Dean; Professor

Education Building 14

(307) 766-3468 | abuss@uwyo.edu

no-photo-uw-coed photo

Paige Jaramillo

Office Aide

Education Building 6

(307) 766-3145 | pjaramil@uwyo.edu

Kimberly Montez photo

Kimberly Montez

Director of Business Operations

Education Building 15

(307) 766-3660| kmontezl@uwyo.edu

Pete Moran photo

Pete Moran

Associate Dean; Professor

Education Building 6

(307) 766-4231 | moranpw@uwyo.edu


Jake Orr

Project Coordinator 

Education Building 6

(307) 766-3145 | jorr2@uwyo.edu 

Alex Rickert photo

Alex Rickert

College Affairs Coordinator

Education Building 9

(307) 766-3463 | arickert@uwyo.edu

Cody Schofield

Cody Schofield

Marketing & Communications Specialist

Education Building 12

(307) 766-6861 | cshofi3@uwyo.edu

Jenna Shim photo

Jenna Shim

John P. "Jack" Ellbogen Dean; TEI Executive Director; Professor

Education Building 11

(307) 766-3463 | jshim@uwyo.edu

Bret Sorenson photo

Bret Sorenson

Technology Coordinator; Temp Assistant Lecturer

Education Building 23

(307) 766-3572 | bsorense@uwyo.edu

Christi Thompson photo

Christi Thompson

Assistant Dean of Student Success

Education Building 13

(307) 766-3146 | christi.thompson@uwyo.edu

Anaya Yates photo

Anaya Yates

Business Manager

McWhinnie Hall 316

(307) 766-3030 | ayates6@uwyo.edu

Education Student Success Center 

Jody Evans photo

Jody Evans


McWhinnie Hall 109

(307) 766-2558 | jody.evans@uwyo.edu

Britany Kathan photo

Britany Kathan

Office Associate, Senior

McWhinnie Hall 106

(307) 766-3343 | bkathan@uwyo.edu

Elizabeth McMahan photo

Elizabeth McMahan

Director of Student Teaching Expansion & Support

McWhinnie Hall 210

(307) 766-6385 | emcmaha2@uwyo.edu

Levi Moore photo

Levi Moore

Academic Advising Professional, Senior

McWhinnie Hall 103

(307) 766-3357 | lmoore17@uwyo.edu

Sarah Rundall photo

Sarah Rundall

Placement Coordinator/Program Coordinator, Senior

McWhinnie Hall 102

(307) 766-2533 | sarahla@uwyo.edu

Matthew Shelby photo

Matthew Shelby

Academic Advising Professional

McWhinnie Hall 108

(307) 766-3969 | shelb@uwyo.edu

Literacy Research Center and Clinic (LRCC)

Cynthia Brock photo

Cindy Brock

Woming Excellence Chair in Literacy Education

Education Annex 166

(307) 766-3166 | cynthia.brock@uwyo.edu

Kim Gustafson photo

Kimberly Gustafson

Executive Director; Senior Lecturer

Education Annex 163

(307) 766-2367 | kgustaf8@uwyo.edu

no-photo-uw-coed photo

Sara Pommarane

Distinguished Teacher in Residence

Education Annex 170


Leslie Rush photo

Leslie Rush

Wyoming Excellence Chair in Literacy Education

Education Annex 164


Science and Math Teaching Center (SMTC)

no-photo-uw-coed photo

Clare Gunshenan

Outreach Science Educator

Hill Hall 254


Ana Houseal photo

Ana Houseal

Professor/Outreach Science Educator

Hill Hall 251

307-766-4925 | ahouseal@uwyo.edu 


no-photo-uw-coed photo

Martha Inouye

Research Scientist, Professional Development

Hill Hall 253


Jessica Marcolini directory

Jessica Marcolini


Hill Hall 251


Anna Payne photo

Anna Payne

Outreach Mathematics Educator; Assistant Professor

Hill Hall 248

307-766-3145 | Anna.M.Payne@uwyo.edu 

Wyoming School-University Partnership

Colby Gull

Colby Gull


McWhinnie Hall 218

(307) 766-3196 | colby.gull@uwyo.edu

Nicholas Jesse

Nicholas Jesse

Project Coordinator, Senior

McWhinnie Hall 213a

(307) 766-3274 | njesse@uwyo.edu


Trustees Education Initiative

Colby Gull

Colby Gull

Managing Director

McWhinnie Hall 218

(307) 766-3196 | colby.gull@uwyo.edu

Jenna Shim

Jenna Shim

John P. "Jack" Ellbogen Dean; TEI Executive Director; Professor

Education Building 11

(307) 766-3463 | jshim@uwyo.edu


Early Care and Education Center (ECEC)


Tasen Barry

Lead Teacher, Infants

250 N. 30th Laramie, WY 82072

(307) 766-4816 | tbarry4@uwyo.edu


Jenna Crawford

Lead Teacher, Preschool 1

250 N. 30th Laramie, WY 82072

(307) 766-4816 | jcrawf19@uwyo.edu

Charlie Dzeidic

Charli Dziedzic

Curriculum Coordinator

250 N. 30th Laramie, WY 82072

(307) 766-3145 | ceraben@uwyo.edu


Natalie Enevoldsen


250 N. 30th Laramie, WY 82072

(307) 766-4816 | natalie@uwyo.edu


Britney Hoopes

Lead Teacher, Preschool 2

250 N. 30th Laramie, WY 82072

(307) 766-4816 | bhoopes2@uwyo.edu


Shaila Limon

Lead Teacher, Toddler 2

250 N. 30th Laramie, WY 82072

(307) 766-4816 | slimon@uwyo.edu


Christy O'Flannigan

Lead Teacher, Toddler 1

250 N. 30th Laramie, WY 82072

(307) 766-4816 | cskinne5@uwyo.edu


Rene Sanchez

Office Associate

250 N. 30th Laramie, WY 82072

(307) 766-4816 | rsanche2@uwyo.edu


Jahn Smylie

Lead Teacher, Preschool 3

250 N. 30th Laramie, WY 82072

(307) 766-4816 | jsmylie2@uwyo.edu

College of Education

Department 3374
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-3145
Email: edquest@uwyo.edu