Contact Us

College of Education

Dept. 3374

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-3145


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Faculty & Staff Resources

The following links may be of use to faculty and staff in the College of Education.

Reappointment, Tenure, & Promotion

Reappointment, promotion and tenure and post-tenure review guidelines are a supplement to UW Regulations 2-7 (tenure-track) and 2-4 (APL). The current College of Education T&P Guidelines were approved by faculty on December 14, 2012 and amended on March 10, 2020. Faculty should also refer to the college vita format guide and FAQ.

College of Education Bylaws

The College of Education bylaws create a formal, transparent, functional and common language for guiding governance and decision-making within the unit. View the bylaws.

Advising Resources

Registration for fall and spring semester courses requires that students receive advising. Advising is not required for summer semester registration. Please check the academic calendar for advising week each semester. The Teacher Preparation and Advising Office (TPAO) provides access to substitution and waiver forms as well as program sheets for all undergraduate majors. OTE also hosts brown bag sessions throughout the academic year on a variety of advising topics that may be of interest to faculty.

Academic Appeals

All students (undergraduate and graduate) have the right to appeal decisions related to academic matters (such as grading or removal from a course or program) as long as the appeal is limited to claims of prejudice, capriciousness, or error. Additionally, when students are charged with Academic Dishonesty, they have the right to an appeal and a hearing. Refer to the student appeals guidelines for information about the appeal and hearing procedures.

Faculty Senate

Pursuant to such Bylaws of the University Faculty, the Faculty Senate shall seek to determine and establish educational and academic policies which promote and protect the interests and welfare of the University community and further the full and free development and preservation of scholarly learning, teaching, and research

Staff Senate

Governed by UW Regulation 1-34, Staff Senate was established in 1977 and represents UW staff employees, including both exempt and nonexempt. Staff Senate works together with the Trustees, administration, faculty, and students for the betterment of the University of Wyoming. We encourage communication, advocate for staff development, and address staff concerns.


The College of Education is home to multiple standing committees. For information regarding current representation for each department or meeting schedules, please check with department leadership or the Dean's office, respectively.


The College of Education is proud to support students, faculty, staff, and alumni through various award programs.

Course Actions

The University Course Review Committee monitors the course review process through the Registrar's Office. Course Action Request Forms are submitted electronically to add a new course, remove an old course, or update any portion of an existing course.

Academic Affairs

The Office Academic Affairs oversees and provides leadership for all academic programs and functions at the University of Wyoming


Contact Us

College of Education

Dept. 3374

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-3145


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