Scott Schell
Room #9, Agriculture Bldg.
Phone: (307) 766-2508
No Entomology graduate research program available
If you have an insect (or any other small arthropods) you would like to have identified you can take it to your local University of Wyoming Extension office. The knowledgeable personnel who work there can often identify insects, especially common pests immediately. Sometimes a species level identification can be made but often identification of the insect's Family is all that is necessary for good management recommendations. If the local UW Extension personnel can't help you they will then send the insect on to the University for identification.
A quik way to get an insect ID is to first send good in-focus photos of it to:
or 307-399-
9344 (photos sent via cell phones will often be reduced in resolution making it hard
to see details). If I
can’t identify from the photos I will ask for a specimen(s).
If you need to, you can submit the insect, spider, or other arthropod with a completed Insect ID Form
Scott Schell
Room #9, Agriculture Bldg.
Phone: (307) 766-2508
No Entomology graduate research program available