Contact Us

Faculty Senate Office

323 Merica Hall

Dept. 3961, 1000 E University Ave

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307 766-5348

Fax: 307 766-5347


Petition for Representation

Each department or academic unit with five or more full-time academic personnel lines shall be entitled to one faculty senator. Those departments having twenty or more full-time academic personnel shall be entitled to two faculty senators. To be counted, the academic personnel must have a majority line in that department/unit.

Academic Personnel includes tenure track and tenured faculty, as well as non-tenure track academic personnel and academic personnel on a fixed term appointment (including extended term academic professionals), including:

  • Archivists,
  • Clinical Professors,
  • Curators,
  • Executive Professors,
  • Extension Educators,
  • Faculty Development Professionals,
  • Instructional Professors
  • Lecturers,
  • Librarians, and
  • Professors of Practice. 

Departments/units without Faculty Senate representation may petition for representation by completing a

Petition for Representation (Word document)

Contact Us

Faculty Senate Office

323 Merica Hall

Dept. 3961, 1000 E University Ave

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307 766-5348

Fax: 307 766-5347
