Image of a marching band member holding a tuba

Fall Student Guide: Making College Count

Welcome to the First-Semester College Success Guide! This month-by-month guide will give you insider’s advice from students and faculty to help you excel at the University of Wyoming.

We encourage you to explore this guide with your instructors, peer leaders, advisor, and other friends or mentors who are beginning this college journey with you. You can either use the full text linked above, or you can use different sections organized by month below.

We are also happy to email or touch base with you about the guide or your questions. Feel free to contact us!


Meet William White

Will White on rig

The Fall Bridge Making College Count booklet includes an incentive-based engagement program funded by William White.

Will White was born in Iowa. He left school at the age of 14 to work construction near his home and later in California. On a hunting trip to Pinedale with a biologist friend, Will immediately fell in love with Wyoming. Soon he met a Wyoming geologist who inspired him to think about geology as a career path.

Soon Will made up his mind to move to Wyoming, find a job in the oil field, and save money until he could start college at the University of Wyoming. He was determined to study geology and someday find work as a geologist. 

In the oil fields, Will earned a high wage and often took home hundreds of dollars in bonuses each day, but he never lost his dream of going to college. Once he was admitted, he joined the Bridge program.

“The Bridge program was one of the most important parts of my first year,” says Will. “The Bridge teachers cared a lot and wanted to help me succeed.” Now, he travels the world working as an operations geologist for ExxonMobil. The William White Engagement Program is an extension of Will’s goal to help new UW students succeed in their first year at college.

Will loves to visit classes when he is in Laramie, and he enjoys answering student questions. Click the "Ask Will" button to ask a question or read some of his answers to other student questions.


Fall Bridge | Coe 105 | Dept. 3334 | 1000 E. University Ave. | Laramie, WY 82071 | Phone: 307-766-4322 | Email: