Students enjoy life on Prexy's Pasture

Welcome to Fall Bridge

Highly Acclaimed Student Success Program at the University of Wyoming

What is Fall Bridge? 

Fall Bridge is a course-based learning community for first-year students. Each year approximately 400 students participate in one of two options Fall Bridge provides: the one-course option (Human Culture course) or the two-course option (Human Culture course and English 1010).
If your GPA, standardized test scores, or high school curriculum are outside of the UW admission guidelines, Fall Bridge provides you the support and resources you need to thrive in college. See UW’s admission guidelines for more information.  

Benefits of Fall Bridge

icon of graduate with cap

All courses in the Fall Bridge Program fulfill University Studies Program components.

Tap into the benefits of launching your college career as an undeclared major! College statistics show that starting as an undeclared major can shorten your time to graduation and increase your satisfaction with first-year advising.

"The program provided me the opportunity to broaden my horizons at a top tier university and simultaneously support the beginning of my academic career with supportive and top notch faculty. Participation in the Fall Bridge program was hands down the most important factor to solidifying the success I ultimately had while pursuing my undergraduate degree at The University of Wyoming."

-- Cameron Nazminia, Former Student Body President (ASUW) and Fall Bridge student
Fall Bridge instructor interacts with students in a Human Culture classstudents in a Fall Bridge class work together at a table.Fall Bridge students listen to a presentation in a classroom.

Some Features of Fall Bridge

AWARD-WINNING INSTRUCTORS: The instructors in the Fall Bridge Program are committed and trained in teaching first-year students.  Additionally, the Fall Bridge Program provides smaller class sizes, which allows the students to connect and engage more in class and with their instructors. A majority of our instructors have won teaching awards.

University of Wyoming classroom

University of Wyoming swim team huddle

OPTIONS FOR COURSES: Fall Bridge offers two first-year options that help new students fulfill University Studies Program classes in a cohesive and connected environment. Fall Bridge's courses deliver increased opportunities for optional study groups, more one-on-one time with instructors, and time with a peer mentor.    

STUDENT ENDORSEMENT: Students in the Fall Bridge Program have enjoyed being a part of the program and recommend it highly. Receiving priority enrollment in high demand courses is just one feature students praised.

University of Wyoming students work together in a computer lab

two University of Wyoming students enjoy coffee together

FIRST-YEAR ADVISING: In the fall, students in Fall Bridge courses access a trained advisor to plan for spring course enrollment, long-term academic mapping, and resources on campus for financial, academic, and other issues.

Fall Bridge | Coe 105 | Dept. 3334 | 1000 E. University Ave. | Laramie, WY 82071 | Phone: 307-766-4322 | Email: