The dynamic and rapidly changing environmental and natural resource fields demand professionals to have an integrated understanding across a broad array of disciplines, with one or more areas of significant specialization. Graduates of the MS degree in Environment, Natural Resources & Society will be prepared to become collaborative, interdisciplinary leaders in environmental and natural resource fields such as natural resource management, planning, and administration across sectors including nonprofit, for profit, government, and academic. ENRS graduates will:
ENR 5001 Orientation to ENR&S, ENR 5100 Foundations of ENR&S, ENR 5900 ENR Policy in Practice, ENR 5921 Collaborative Practicum (3cr), ENR 5960 Thesis Plan A (4 credits) or Plan B (2 credits).
Choose electives that inform your Plan A or Plan B thesis. Elective courses must be approved by student’s major advisor and graduate committee in the submitted program of study.
Our economy and our world are changing rapidly. Many of the jobs, career paths, and professional opportunities you could take after you graduate might not even exist yet! The Haub School will prepare you to be a nimble, creative, and critical thinker, building the skills, knowledge, and tools you can apply to wherever you want to forge a path in the future.
Career opportunities exist in in private companies like environmental consulting, reclamation/restoration, and regulatory compliance firms, in non-profit organizations that specialize in science communication, outreach, or environmental education, with local, state, or federal agencies in conservation, recreation and open space planning, natural resource management, or land-use planning.
Natural Resources Policy Consultant, Park Ranger, Urban and Regional Planner, Research Scientist, Stewardship Coordinator, Natural Resource Specialist, Range Technician, Field Geologist, Outreach Coordinator, Senior Mediator, Environmental Educator, Field Supervisor
Wyoming Outdoor Council, National Geographic, Bureau of Land Management, Teton Science
Schools, Wyoming Conservation Corps, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, International Wolf
Center, The Wilderness Society, Meridian Institute
*real job titles and employers of Haub School alumni
Coming soon!
University of Wyoming
Bim Kendall House
804 E Fremont St
Laramie, WY 82072
Phone: (307) 766-5080
Fax: (307) 766-5099