Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) provides an evidence-based foundation to empower people with diabetes to navigate
self-management decisions and activities. DSMES is a cost-effective tool proven to
help improve health behaviors and health outcomes for people with diabetes.
An accredited or recognized DSMES service must meet evidence-based standards. The
accreditation and recognition processes help ensure that services are offering quality
education and make the services eligible for reimbursement from Medicare, many private
health plans, and some state Medicaid agencies.
There are four critical times to seek care for diabetes. 1) When someone is diagnosed. 2) At a yearly check in. 3) When a new challenge is presented, such as financial or emotional distress, medication change or complications. 4) When there are changes in a persons health or healthcare: physicians, insurance, moving to a new location, or experiencing age-related issues. For more information or to find a provider near you contact healthierwyo@uwyo.edu!
You might be at risk of deveoloping Type 2 Diabetes if you:
For more information about thriving with a diabetes diagnosis click HERE!