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About On the Move

On the Move (OTM) is a group-based exercise program developed at the University of Pittsburg, Physical Therapy Department. To find more information about the program or the reseach behind it click here

OTM is designed to improve the timing and coordination in walking. Classes are lively and enjoyable using music, props, and partner-based activities. When compared to a seated strength, endurance, and flexibility exercise program for walking, OTM resulted in greater improvements in mobility. 

Eligibility and Program Structure

Program Structure:

On the Move challenges the brain to match the timing and sequences of your movements with your posture to improve the smoothness and efficiency of walking. To achieve this better walking, OTM has a variety of progressive stepping and walking patterns. On the Move classes: 

  • Are delivered by a trained exercise leader twice a week for 12 weeks  
  • Are about 60 minutes in length and encompasses a warm-up period, strength training exercises, stepping and walking patterns, and a cool-down period  
  • Have progressive, goal-oriented walking patterns that specifically address the development of motor skills critical to the timing, smoothness, and efficiency of walking 


On the Move may be a great fit for you if: 

  • You can walk household distances with or without a cane 
  • Want to improve walking speed, endurance, and coordination 
  • Want to feel more confident walking 
group of people walking around cones

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Self-Referral Form

Click here to access our self-referral form, red background

Contact Us Today!

Healthier Wyoming at the Wyoming Center on Aging

Dept. 3415, 1000 E. University Ave. Laramie, WY 82071

307-766-2829 | 307-766-2847 (fax)



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