Bachelor of Arts in History

Undergraduate Program in History

Bachelor's Degree in History

The Undergraduate degree with a History major is designed to be very flexible. Since only two courses are specifically required for the degree (the third-year History Methods and fourth-year Proseminar courses), this allows you to tailor the History major to align with your own interests. Our faculty will work with you to craft a comprehensive program of study in order to ensure that you get as much as possible out of your time at UW. The Department also strongly encourages our majors to pursue a minor (or even a second major) in a field that will provide a complementary skill set to the History major. Popular options include Computer Science, Economics, Geography, Political Science, and foreign languages. In today's competitive job market it is important to master a variety of skills, and the flexibility of the major makes it easy to complete a minor or even a double major in four years of study.

Undergraduate Major (Effective Fall 2015)


  • To complete the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in History, the History major requires a minimum of 36 credit hours in History courses or approved substitutions.
  • An additional 12 hours of a single foreign language or equivalent credit by examination as determined by the Department of Modern and Classical Languages is also required.
  • All courses used to satisfy major requirements – including the language requirement – must be completed with a grade of C or better.
  • To complete BA degree, all University Studies Program (USP) and college requirements must also be satisfied. Click here for more information about University of Wyoming USP requirements.
  • The History Department is part of the College of Arts and Sciences. Click here for more information about College of Arts and Sciences core requirements, "Diversity in the United States" and "Global Awareness" courses.


Specific requirements for the History major are as follows: 

Two required courses (6 hours):

1. HIST 3020, Historical Methods

We recommend taking this course early Junior year

Prerequisites to register for HIST 3020 are junior standing, 12 hours of History courses at the 1000-2000 level, and a COM-1 course

2. HIST 4030, Senior Capstone Seminar

We recommend taking this course early Senior year

Prerequisite to register for HIST 4030 is HIST 3020

Lower-Division Electives (12 hours) & Upper-Division Electives (15 hours):

Students must complete 12 hours of History courses at the 1000-2000 level and 15 hours of History courses at the 3000-4000 level. Students are encouraged to take courses in both non-Western Civilization content area and in US-Western Civilization content.

Elective: any level (3 hours):

One additional History course at any level.

Language (12 hours):

Students must complete three semesters of a single foreign language or the equivalent as determined by the Department of Modern and Classical Languages. This requirement may be satisfied by American Sign Language.

Please see the University Catalog for History course titles and descriptions.

Forms to declare a major or minor are available online from the Office of the Registrar. The "Change of Major" form can be used to change your major and/or minor. It is now available to be submitted as a secure online form. Click here to go to the Office of the Registrar's page for Student Petitions and Forms.

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Public History Concentration

Public History Concentration >
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History or Museum Studies

Requirements for Minor >
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Teach History

History & Social Studies Education

Concurrent majors with teaching certification >
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Elective Internship

Course credit for optional internship

History Internship FAQ >



Contact Us

History Building

Dept. 3198

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-5101


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