History Building
Dept. 3198
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-5101
Email: uwhistory@uwyo.edu
Combined with the History B.A. requirements, students can declare a Public History Concentration. The History B.A. requires a minimum of 36 credit hours in History courses, and 18 of those can qualify to meet the Public History Concentration requirements. The Public History Concentration requires a minimum of 18 hours of History coursework that may be tailored for individual student career goals.
Specific requirements for the History major can be found by clicking here.
Specific requirements for the Public History Concentration are as follows:
Required Courses:
HIST 2050, Introduction to Public History
HIST 2700, Introduction to Museology
HIST 3020, Historical Methods
HIST 4400, Internship
Elective: 2 of the following course options
HIST 4055, Archival Research Methods
HIST 4077, Book History: Topics
HIST 4315, History, Politics and Memory of the Holocaust in Europe
HIST 4320, Memory and National Identity in Twentieth Century Europe
HIST 4400, Internship (Students are allowed 2 Internship courses if approved by an
History Building
Dept. 3198
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-5101
Email: uwhistory@uwyo.edu