Contact Us

University of Wyoming International Students and Scholars

Department 3228

1000 E. University Avenue

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-5193


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Preparing for Arrival

Congratulations on your admission to the University of Wyoming!


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Visa, Travel, and Enrollment Information and FAQ for International Students

  • Also see instructions in the email containing your Form I-20 or DS-2019 for more details.

1. Apply for Your Student Visa

Once you have received your Form I-20 or DS-2019 and other materials from UW, you must apply for a student visa at the US consulate. Follow instructions in your Form I-20 or DS-2019 email from ISS for visa application details and links.

It is recommended that you allow plenty of time to obtain the student visa foil from the U.S. embassy or consulate. The U.S. Department of State has indicated that the process of issuing visas to some individuals might be considerably delayed due to security clearances. Please note: Receipt of the Form I-20 or DS-2019 from UW does not guarantee that you will receive a visa foil from a U.S. consulate.

Do not make travel reservations until you have obtained your visa. Individual consulate/embassy visa processing times may be found on the State Department Web at:

2. Complete New International Student Pre-Arrival Orientation

New international students must complete the New International Student Pre-Arrival Orientation online as soon as possible after admission. The orientation contains important information that students will need before their arrival to the US. Students who do not complete the orientation and quiz prior to their arrival to the US will have a hold placed on their account to prevent registration.

3. Set up your WyoWeb Account: Log into your Interactive WyoWeb

Your WyoWeb account is your portal your personal and degree information, UW resources, and more!  Your interactive checklist will help you make sure that you complete important tasks that are required of all UW students prior to starting classes.

First, you must Obtain Username and Initial Password. Enter your Last Name/Surname, Birth Date (make sure you enter Month, Day, Year) and your UW W ID # (you can find this in your official admission email) and click “Submit”.  *You do NOT need to enter the “Last Four Digits of SSN”.

Write down your username and initial password! You will be required to change your password to something of your choosing the next time that you log into the UW system.

For help setting up your WyoWeb username and password, check out this video!

4. Sign Up for On Campus Housing

Read about Housing and Dining options and services at UW!

First-time students at UW are required to live on campus during their first year at UW.  Read about the Live-In Requirement and exceptions.

Look at On Campus Housing types at UW and the Rates for different housing types and choose what type of housing you want to sign up for.

SIGN UP for Housing by clicking on the Apply For Housing icon the On Campus Housing page and complete your Housing contract online before you arrive to campus. You will need to sign in using your UW username and password.

5. Submit Vaccination Records to Student Health Services

New international students at UW will check in with Student Health Services after arrival to campus. You will receive more information from the ISS office after you arrive in Laramie by emailing to report your arrival.

Read all about Student Health Services at UW!

Learn about the Student Health Requirements for International Students at UW.

Submit your records: Students who already have their MMR vaccinations done prior to arriving to the US (see requirements above) should submit them in their Patient Portal on the Student Health Services website.  You will LOGIN using your UW username and password.

6. Transportation to Laramie

Transportation to Laramie is very limited and requires planning well in advance.  The closest international airport to Laramie, Wyoming, is Denver International Airport (Airport Code: DEN) in Denver, Colorado.

Fly to Laramie:

Airport Pickups:

  • Laramie Regional Airport – ISS will pick new incoming international student up from LRA from January 13-16, 2025 at no cost!  Students MUST schedule their pickup at least 48 hours before they arrive to Laramie by signing up at  ISS cannot pick students up from Denver International Airport!
  • Denver International Airport - ASUW (UW student government organization) will pick students up at the Denver International Airport on January 8 and January 15, 2025.  Students must apply for this shuttle no later than November 15, 2024 and will receive an email to confirm their reservation by December 1, 2024.  Sign up at

Ground Transportation from Denver, CO, to Laramie, WY is very limited.  It is a two hour drive and UBER and other ride shares are not usually available or affordable.

  • Shuttle Service – Limited service to Laramie, WY, will be available through Groome Transportation from January 17-25, 2025.  Please note: New students must arrive prior to January 17, 2025 to attend the required in-person Welcome session on January 17, 2025.  Students who have permission to arrive late can schedule with Groome Transportation. You may have to contact the Groome Reservations Department directly to schedule during that time.

Regardless of how you get to Laramie, please let ISS know your travel arrangements as soon as possible. We must know when our new students are expected to arrive. You can email this information to International Students and Scholars at

7. Advising and Registration

The University of Wyoming has a mandatory advising policy for all students. Contact your department of study or review the college information on the UW Academic Departments page for your department to learn more about getting advised so you can register for classes.New students can contact their departments to discuss class registration prior to traveling to the United States. 

8. Check-in with the ISS office When You Arrive

Within 48 hours of your arrival, email ISS at with the following information:

  • Your first and last name
  • W-number (if you know it)
  • UW email address (if you know it)

This information must be to us 48 hours after you have arrived in Laramie. After you check in with ISS, you will receive an email with a "campus check-in" list. These are things that you must do during your first days in Laramie to be checked in with all necessary offices and programs on campus.

10. Attend New International Student In-Person Welcome (required)

New international students must attend the New International Student Welcome. This day-long session is in addition to any orientation programs required by the University of Wyoming or your individual departments. Students who do not complete this requirement may have a hold placed on their account.

Fall 2025 Welcome Date (Subject to change! Watch your email and check back for updates)

ALL students are strongly encouraged to arrive early and attend the first Welcome session. This will allow you time to get settled into Laramie and complete required tasks before the start of classes.

    • The tentative Fall 2025 Welcome session dates are Thursday, August 14, 2025 and Thursday, August 21, 2025.

    • Undergraduate (Bachelor’s) students who will participate in the Saddle Up program must arrive early enough to attend the first ISS in-person Welcome session.

    • Graduate (Master’s and Doctoral) students with a Graduate Assistantship who are required to attend the UW Graduate Symposium must arrive early enough to attend the first ISS in-person Welcome session.

    • EMAIL no later than August 1st to tell us which Welcome session you will attend.

Spring 2026 Welcome Date:

The in-person Welcome session for the Spring 2026 semester will be January 16, 2026. You are strongly encouraged to arrive after January 1st as the campus will be closed from December 24th through January 1st for the winter holidays. 

Students beginning in Summer:

Students who begin study in summer will need to attend a Fall Welcome session.


Campus Map

Contact Us

University of Wyoming International Students and Scholars

Department 3228

1000 E. University Avenue

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-5193


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