Division of Kinesiology and HealthKIN/HLED 4015/4016

College of Heath Sciences


The internship experience is strengthened by an early evaluation of your experience. This form is used for four primary purposes:

1. To give the student an idea of his/her current strengths and weaknesses as related to the pursuit of a career in Kinesiology related fields.

2. To provide the student with evaluative feedback concerning performance of his/her major areas of responsibility in this assignment.

3. To identify areas in which the student needs to strive for improvement.

4. To help the university supervisor determine a satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade assessment of the student’s performance thus far.

The evaluative process is considered extremely important. Therefore, the student has also been instructed to complete a self-evaluation utilizing this same form. It is suggested that both supervisor and student complete these evaluations independently and then discuss them jointly in an evaluation conference. It is extremely difficult to eliminate the subjectivity of such evaluative forms. Therefore, please exercise your best personal and professional judgment in completing this evaluation.

Reflect upon your work and make an honest judgment in each category. Descriptive phrases and words have been included to provide a clearer understanding of each area. Use the space between each category to make specific comments as needed. Indicate “N/A” when appropriate.

Industry (work habits, willingness to work):*
Thoroughness (accuracy, completeness):*
Reliability (dependable, honest):*
Initiative (gets things going, new ideas):*
Leadership (takes charge, organizes others):*
Independence (self-directed, can work alone):*
Cooperation (can work with others, agreeable):*
Intellectual Ability (intelligence to succeed):*
Motivation (desire to succeed and learn):*
Creativity/Imagination (generates ideas):*
General Attitude (general outlook, perspective):*
Emotional Control (stability, volatility of emotions):*
Social Skills (extroversion, respect for others, tact):*
Verbal Skills (articulation, accuracy, fluency):*
Writing Skills (organization, accuracy, clarity):*
Please select SATISFACTORY or UNSATISFACTORY according to how you would rate your work as a student intern at this point in time.:*
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