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College of Law

1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-6416

Fax: 307-766-6417


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EENR Certificate

Certificate Program

Energy, Environmental & Natural Resources Law

Situated in the heart of the Rocky Mountain region, the University of Wyoming College of Law has a rich history of offering students an exceptional place to study energy, environmental, and natural resources (EENR) law. Our legacy extends back over 75 years, involves a host of pioneering research and teaching efforts, and encompasses several generations of leading academics and practitioners. Wyoming contains the nation’s first national park, first national monument, and first national forest reserve, as well as the headwaters of major Western rivers such as the Green, Snake, and Yellowstone. This heritage underpins the College of Law’s commitment to providing students with an opportunity to tailor a portion of their legal studies to obtain a certificate in EENR law.

Students must complete fifteen (15) total credits of coursework in the EENR law area, including enrolling in Administrative Law and either Environmental Law or Public Lands Law. Students also must complete an EENR law-related writing project that satisfies the College of Law’s advanced writing requirement. Students enrolled in the joint J.D./M.A. in ENR program with the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources can count their theses toward this requirement.

Please direct any inquiries regarding the EENR certificate program to Professor Jason Robison.


Program Requirements

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Program Enrollment Form

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Contact Us

College of Law

1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-6416

Fax: 307-766-6417


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