Bridgeman Elected to American Law Institute

Jacquelyn Bridgeman


An independent organization that produces scholarly works to aid interpretation and advance understanding of the law has elected University of Wyoming Law Professor Jacquelyn Bridgeman to serve as a member.

The American Law Institute brings together leading professionals to collaborate on works that seek to clarify, modernize, and otherwise improve the law and promote the administration of justice. The organization’s restatements, codes, and principles have been used in the legal profession, legislatures, and courts.

Says ALI president David Levi of Duke University College of Law, “Most lawyers remember the Restatements of Contracts or Torts from law school but do not realize the depth of the body of work produced by ALI and its profound influence on American law."

Bridgeman is the Kepler Professor of Law at the UW College of Law and director of the School of Culture, Gender and Social Justice in the College of Arts and Sciences. 

The American Law Institute's annual meeting and 100th anniversary celebration will be held May 22 through May 24 in Washington, D.C.

Learn more about the American Law Institute at